Please STOP! Read ALL requirements and "Terms of This Agreement" before for you hit submit.
You came to the right place! ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT would like to make your renting
experience a good one. ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT follows all federal, state and local
laws regarding the application process. Each application is screened without regard to race,
color, religion, handicap, sex, familial status or national origin of applicant. The staff at ALOHA
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT is trained and educated on the latest local, state and federal statutes
pertaining to rental regulations.
Please be prepared to pay the application fee as outlined in the property listing. In addition to
this rental application, you will also be required to provide a copy of a valid form of
identification and proof of income for the last 30 days. If self employed you will be required to
have current and previous years tax returns.
To complete this rental application, you must be prepared to provide 3 years of recent
residential history as well as contact information for your rental references. You will also be
asked to provide information on your current 30 days monthly income or if self employed you
will be required to have current and previous years tax returns. , and please note that all
properties require that applicant combined net income (after taxes) is at least three (3) times
the monthly rent amount. You must have a current job near where you will residing, or letter of
intent. If it is a job where you can work anywhere from, please provide proof.
Each resident over the age of 18 must submit a separate rental application.
The $30 application fee is non-refundable, so please note the following before you pay the
application fee: If your employer subscribes to the work number, you will need to long on to
your account and provide Aloha with the required information. Your application will be kept on
file for 90 days. If you find another home with us past the 90 days you will have to re-apply and
pay the application fee again.
- We do not accept vicious breeds of dogs in any of our properties. Please see list in the terms
of this agreement. We also do not accept any animals under a year. Please call our office if you
have any questions prior to paying the application fee as it is non-refundable.
- If you have a pet there is an additional per pet application charge and screening which is
administered by a third party pet screening tool. Please go to this URL to screen your pet... Once you are finished, please copy the
appropriate pet application ID's in the question field box later in this application process.
6315 Usick Road  Boise, ID 83704
- If you have a assistance, support, or service animal it is recommended you go to this URL to
screen your animal. Once you are
finished, please copy the appropriate pet application ID's in the question field box later in this
application process. If you need an exception to this policy please contact Aloha by email at
- We also encourage you to call the office to inquire about the status of the property prior to
paying the application fee to ensure the property is still available, as once again, the application
fee is non-refundable.
- Once approved you have 48 hours to pay security deposit and sign the lease. If both are not
done, we will move on to the next applicant and your application fee is non-refundable.
- Should you decide that you do not want to continue with the lease agreement and do not
wish to move into the property that you applied for and were accepted for your security
deposit and application fee is non-refundable.
- A completed application is when ALL parties and co-signers have filled out an application in its
entirety and paid the $30 non-refundable application fee. You have 24 hours to turn in all paper
work required to have a completed application. You have 24 hours for all parties including co-
signers to apply or we will move on to the next application.
- Applicants may not be accepted for a felony conviction for which less than three (3) years
have passed from sentence release date to date of rental application. Felony convictions can be
cause for denial; however, per federal regulations, drug- and alcohol-use felonies can be waived
with proper documentation. Regardless of conviction date, no applicant with a felony
conviction for an act of violence, sex crime, or illegal manufacturing or distribution of drugs will
be NOT accepted.
- If you have a outstanding balance with another property manager, your application will be
automatically denied.
The Application Process :
All applications must meet the requirements of this guideline. Each applicant 18 years of age
and older must complete a separate application and pay the application fee of $30, which is
non-refundable. If your employer subscribes to the work number, you will need to long on to
your account and provide Aloha with the required information.
1. All adults planning to reside on the property must complete the application.
2. The application must be legible.
3. Application fees are to be paid in MONEY ORDER, CASHIERS CHECK, OR APPFOLIO, only – no
4. The application must be signed by all adult applicants planning to reside on the premises. 5.
Applications are processed in the order received.
6. Additional applications will continue to be accepted until the approved applicant has signed
the lease and/or paid the security deposit. Security deposits are non-refundable.
7. If you have a outstanding balance with another property manager, your application will be
automatically denied.
8. Processing will normally be completed as soon as possible; however it can take longer if a
complication arises such as difficulties contacting your past landlords or other references.
9. A copy of applicant's valid driver's license or other valid federal issued ID is required and will
become part of the completed application.
10. All information on the application is subject to verification. A credit score of 600 or better is
required per applicant. Between 550-599 will be double deposit or co-signer depending on how
the application turns out. First time renters will be required to have a co-signer.
11. Applications will be denied if falsified.
12. Once approved, each applicant, WITHIN 48 HOURS, must sign the lease and be fully
responsible for the lease, rent or any fees due.
13. If an application is denied, at ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT discretion, an approved Co-
Signer may substitute their application, sign the lease and accept full financial responsibility
along with the applicant. A Co-Signer must live with-in the Pacific Northwest region (Idaho,
Oregon, Washington, Utah, Montana, Nevada and Wyoming) and have a credit score of 745 or
better and make six times the amount the rent is on a net basis.
14. In lieu of a Co-Signer, and at ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT discretion, the applicant may
pay a security deposit equal to the maximum the law will allow.
15. Guideline requirements may be waived at the discretion of ALOHA PROPERTY
MANAGEMENT if applicant pre-pays rent for the full term of the lease
16. ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT bases its decision to accept an applicant on credit,
previous landlord information, employment, and income and criminal record combined. For
example, if you have excellent credit but you receive a negative reference from a previous
landlord, we will look at the other items such as employment and criminal record to assist us in
making a decision.
17. Rental History. Applicant(s) must have good rental references for three or more consecutive
years ending with in the last three months. Relatives are not acceptable as rental references.
Application may be denied for evictions, damages beyond normal wear and tear, illegal activity
on premises, refusal to re-rent by previous landlord or a balance still owed to previous landlord
and any utility companies.
18. Income. Application(s) may be denied if rent is more than 33% of verifiable net household
income. For income to be verified, applicant(s) must provide verification of employment.
Unemployment and child support is never considered income. You must provide the last two
pay stubs from your employer for the last 30 days.
19. Criminal Background. A criminal record verification is made on all persons over the age of
18 who will occupy the property. Cause for the application to be rejected include but are not
limited to conviction of (1) Illegal drug or gang involvement of any kind, (2) Any violent act
against another person, (3) Vandalism, Arson, etc. (4) Burglary, (5) Criminal Trespass, (6)
Stalking, and (7) Sexual offender. Any felony within the past 5 years will not be accepted. Any
felony older than 5 years will be considered at ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT’s discretion.
20. Pet Policy. Due to insurance costs and limitations, ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT does
not allow the following types of dogs in any of our properties:
Alaskan Malamutes
Bullmastiff or Mastiff Chow
Presa Canario
Pit Bull
Siberian Husky Staffordshire terrier
"Wolf Dog/ Wolf Hybrid" Bull Terrier/Pit Bull Terrier German Shepherd Rottweiler
Any combination of these or any dog that has any of the above breeds lineage. We also do not
accept any animals under a year. If the property owner agrees to allow a pet, then if you have a
pet or companion animal there is an additional per pet application charge and screening which
is administered by a third party pet screening tool. Please go to this URL to screen your pet... Once you are finished, please copy the
appropriate pet application ID's in the question field box later in this application process. From
here we will determine the pet rent and non refundable pet fee.
21. Contingency Lease. If at the time of the showing, the applicant(s) wishes to rent the
premises, applicant(s) can pay the application fee and the security deposit, and sign the rental
agreement as a contingency lease (the unit is yours unless you are denied via the application
process). The contingency is that ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT needs to complete that
application process to include: Income verification, credit report, criminal background, and
rental history verification. If tenant fails to meet the criteria, the applicant is denied and the
security deposit is refunded. Once you are approved for the property, you must sign the lease
within 48 hours and pay security deposit within 48 hours. Should you decide that you do not
want to continue with the lease agreement and do not wish to move into the property that you
applied for and were accepted for your security deposit is non-refundable.
22. Security Deposit. The security deposit amount varies from property to property and must be
paid in advance and must be paid by certified funds (money order, cashier's check, OR certified
check.) Security deposits are non refundable.
23. Short Term Leases. Generally, ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT does not accept short-term
leases (leases 6 months or shorter) unless approved by the property owner. Every property
managed by ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT is rented for 1 year unless otherwise approved
by the property owner. At that time you MAY have the option to renew.
24. Condition of the Premises. We believe we have a higher than normal standard in the
preparation of our rental units, but our standards may or may not be equivalent to your
standards. Unless you see something that you don't like, or something that you would like
added, our rentals are rented “as is”. We are happy to make your request(s) during the
application process; we will gladly present it to the property owner. If the property owner
grants our request, the modification will be made prior to you taking occupancy or otherwise
annotated on the rental agreement. At no time does ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT make
any promises or guarantees any work to be done to the property at anytime unless stated in
25. Site Unseen. Parties agree that Tenant(s) were given the opportunity to inspect the
property prior to signing lease. If Tenant(s) declined to do so and chose to sign lease on subject
property sight unseen for their convenience, parties acknowledge that Tenant(s) will be fully
obligated to the signed lease agreement should they not take occupancy of the property.
Tenant(s) does agree that any maintenance shall be done as stipulated by the Rental
Agreement and not the preferences of the Tenant(s) since Tenant(s) agreed to take property
sight unseen.
26. Signing the Lease. Once you are approved, you will be notified by phone, text, and/or email
and we will email your lease within 24 hours. All adults who have passed the application
process and who will be living on the rented premises must sign the lease.
27. Release Information. This release and authorization acknowledges that Aloha Property
Management, may now, or any time while I am renting, conduct a verification of my current
and previous tenant history, current and previous employment, credit history, contact personal
references, and to receive any criminal history information pertaining to me which may be in
the files of any Federal, State, or Local criminal justice agency, and to verify any other
information deemed necessary to fulfill the Tenant requirements. The results of this verification
process will be used to determine tenant eligibility under Aloha Property Management, tenant
I authorize ACRAnet, Aloha Property Management, and Appfolio and any of its agents, to
disclose orally and in writing the results of this verification process to the designated authorized
representative Aloha Property Management and or OWNERS if they are self managing.
I have read and understand this release and consent, and I authorize the background
verification. I authorize persons, schools, current and former employers, current and former
landlords and other organizations and Agencies to provide ACRAnet with all information that
may be requested. I hereby release all of the persons and agencies providing such information
from any and all claims and damages connected with their release of any requested
information. I agree that any copy of this document is as valid as the original. By filling out
application I acknowledge the above.
28. Rental Market. ALOHA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT chooses rent amounts based on current
market conditions and instructions from the property owner.
29. Applicants may not be accepted for a felony conviction for which less than three (3) years
have passed from sentence release date to date of rental application. Felony convictions can be
cause for denial; however, per federal regulations, drug- and alcohol-use felonies can be waived
with proper documentation. Regardless of conviction date, no applicant with a felony
conviction for an act of violence, sex crime, or illegal manufacturing or distribution of drugs will
NOT be accepted.
30. Behavior Qualifications: Agent will/can decline a applicant who, in the course of the
process, exhibits behavior that is evasive, abusive, harassing, or combative toward Agent or
whose behavior gives Agent cause to believe that Applicant cannot or will not comply with the
proffered rental agreement or follow the expected rules of residency.
31. Proof of Receipt: If you would like a copy of your application receipt, you will need to come
into our office and bring your photo ID for us to provide you with your information. We will not
send it electronically.