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ISSN Print: 2394-7500
ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 8.4
IJAR 2023; 9(6): 202-206
Received: 15-03-2023
Accepted: 18-05-2023
Gurinder Kaur
Department of Journalism and
Mass Communication, Guru
Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar, Punjab, India
Corresponding Author:
Gurinder Kaur
Department of Journalism and
Mass Communication, Guru
Nanak Dev University,
Amritsar, Punjab, India
Indian youth shifting from Bollywood movies to
Hollywood movies
Gurinder Kaur
Purpose: The interest of a young generation of India has shifted and they think Hollywood movies are
worth watching as compared to Bollywood. Hollywood movies are well known for its creative
direction, adventures, technology, concept and special effects all around the world. These movies are
based on fiction, action, suspense, comedy, horror, romance and so on, where the movie focuses on a
particular theme at a time. Hollywood really does have an impact on society even if it’s a good impact
or a bad impact. In the past, Hollywood. The objectives of the study is to find out if youth is adapting
western culture due to the influence of Hollywood movies and to find out the reasons of global
approach of Hollywood Movies.
Methodology: Researcher used sampling method. With this method, individuals were chosen
randomly. Samples were collected using a questionnaire. Questionnaires rely on people's abilities to
convey information accurately. 40 youth between the age of 15 to 35 filled the questionnaire in the
Amritsar city.
Keywords: Bollywood, cinema, Hollywood, global approach, western culture
Bollywood and Hollywood are the world-famous cinematic giants that won the hearts of
billions of people, from their movies, music, dance, drama and especially the story line.
These two are the apex movie industries giving each other a tough competition. Some
movies have so much action in them that kids are becoming violent because they have
watched too many bad movies. Hollywood movies teach youth to do bad things because,
some movies are teaching youth that it’s ok to smoke or drink, because Hollywood movies
are setting a bad example. An actor or actress can change their look and it can even be a bad
look. Hollywood really does have an impact on society even if it’s a good impact or a bad
impact. People often love human watching and discussing movies. The cinematography is
just like music or hobbies, a vital part of their lives. Watching a movie can make your life
better, destroy it, or have a neutral or no impact. In today’s world of OTT Platforms, some of
the most popular genres of cinema/ movies today are Anime, Drama, Comedy, Horror,
Fantasy, and Action. Each of these genres of movies can have both positive and negative
impacts on young people. But there is no universal opinion as to whether watching movies
has more pros or cons. While some studies indicate that violent films make people aggressive
and dangerous, other surveys highlight the benefits of showing some specific films to
Bollywood celebrities and their movies not just entertain the Indian audience but are also
very popular everywhere. But, now the interest of a young generation of India has shifted
and they think Hollywood movies are worth watching as compared to Bollywood. In the
past, Hollywood movies were not in high demand among youngsters. And, now the youth of
India has drifted from the Bollywood films to Hollywood. The youth of India prefers
Hollywood over Bollywood. We agree Bollywood has its own share of good films, but
somehow a huge part of Indian youth is more into Hollywood than Bollywood. And, this is
growing. It's very clear the youth is more realistic and doesn't want to live in a fairy tale
world. However, there are few filmmakers who are experimenting with stories but its limited.
On the other hand, the love stories from Hollywood are far more practical. There's nothing
wrong if you are crazy about your favourite actor or actress. Bollywood industry is a star
centered industry where the fans just want to see their favourite star on the screen and just
International Journal of Applied Research 2023; 9(6): 202-206
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International Journal of Applied Research https://www.allresearchjournal.com
don't give a shit about the script. We all know Salman and
SRK's films are crossing 100-crore or more than that just
because they've become a brand whether the movie of the
story is just a piece of paper. Now, the youth wants a better
script. Bollywood is trying to keep with the technologies
used by Hollywood. But somewhere it still lacks in the
quality. We love our Bollywood. But, they really need to
improve in order to attract the new India, who loves Netflix
more than any item song.
Bollywood has acknowledged their global appeal to non-
Hindi speakers by providing subtitles for the common
languages of North American and European citizens.
Cinema has started making a major impact on the thinking
and perspective of people about different things. It is
scientifically proven that watching movies reduces stress,
watching horror movies can burn our calories too. Most of
the Indian parents want their children to be an engineer or a
doctor, but this stereotype is changing these days because of
some movies like “3 idiots”,”83”, etc. Some movies like
“Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara” are influencing youth to
concentrate on their career but at the same time live life to
its fullest. In short, cinema is the best source of
entertainment. Hollywood movies are well known for its
creative direction, adventures, technology, concept and
special effects all around the world. The movies cast actors
of different film industry also. Hollywood movies are based
on fiction, action, suspense, comedy, horror, romance and so
on, where the movie focuses on a particular theme at a time.
Statement of problem: Changes in the movie watching
behavior of youth: A shift from Bollywood Movies to
Hollywood Movies.
Movies are a fantastic source of entertainment. They
definitely add some spice to life and are great
antidepressants. Bollywood also produces and distributes its
films internationally but does not get the same attention or
scope as Hollywood. Some foreign countries are direct
consumers of this film industry. The Bollywood industry
produces more films but spends less on production. This
study is aimed to assess the association between social
media use and isolation among young adults.
Hypothesis of the Study
1. Youth is adapting western culture due to the influence
of Hollywood movies.
2. Hollywood movies have global approach and it is easy
to relate with their stories.
3. Youth feels Hollywood Movies are more time saving as
there is no interval.
Significance of the Study
This study will help to understand the shift of youth towards
Hollywood Movies from Bollywood Movies.
Limitations of the Study
1. Lack of time: The time period to finish the research was
quite less, which led to various problems.
2. Lack of relevant experience: There was no previous
experience that could have facilitated this research. This
was a new area to discover.
3. Lack of resources: There was not enough resources
available to complete the research.
4. Lack of responses: People at first weren’t ready to
answer but when they did answer the questions, the
answers were incomplete and not according to the
questions asked.
5. Irresponsible act of respondents while filling the
questionnaire. They gave stupid reasons and
suggestions for simple answers making it difficult to
analyse data.
6. Lack of interest from people: People weren’t interested
to fill the questionnaire. They thought of it as a waste of
time so they didn’t fill it.
Methodology of the Study
This study was conducted with the help of a survey of
youth. A survey’s a process, tool, or technique that can be
used to gather information in research by asking questions
to a predefined group of people
Review of Literature
Sandhu V., 2020
, India’s movies buffs are up, close
and personal with Hollywood, Business standards.
The rise of social media has created a lot of awareness
around. Movie distributors are even adopting local and
regional approaches to promote the movies, through various
medium. Hollywood production houses have started taking
Indian cinema very seriously now. Movie distribution in
multiple Indian languages has also been a big driver in
making Hollywood big category-.OTT platforms such as
‘Netflix’ has further filled interest for Hollywood content in
India. Revenue of Hollywood movies is much larger as
compared to Bollywood movies.
Aggarwal V., 2019
, Difference between Hollywood and
Bollywood movies content, BI.
Both industries Hollywood and Bollywood have gained
recognition worldwide as a prominent film industry and
hence Hollywood films are released in majority of countries.
Hollywood has became the highest grossing film industry
whereas Bollywood has became the third highest grossing
film industry. Hollywood movies make use of special
effects and other technology in their production that attracts
viewer. There are also allegations that Bollywood copies
plots from Hollywood movies.
Naidu R., 2020
, Indians cant get enough of Hollywood,
ET Bureau
From last few years, the craze for Hollywood movies in
Indian box office has been increased. One of the reasons is
that movies are also dubbed in languages like- Hindi, Tamil
etc also the production value of their films, scripts and
casting is always up to the mark. The faces of the actors are
different but the new generation are aware of these
Hollywood stars also Hollywood can't beat the large scale
distribution of Hindi films, but yet recently Hollywood
cinema has made it Count On a large scale.
Kashyap A., 2021
, Impact of Hollywood movies on
youth, Indian Journal
Everything has something good as well as bad in it.
similarly movies can have a very good impact on the mind
of the youngsters if they learn to catch all good aspects like
learning new things from Hollywood such as-culture, new
technologies languages and gaining social awareness etc.
Rather than adapting or taking the vulgarity and bad things
just have a look at what you choose as the future of our
country depends upon on our generation.
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Bansal P., 2022
, things that make Hollywood better
than any other film industry, News Patrolling
Hollywood popularity is not surprising to know that it is the
biggest film industry of the world. One of the biggest
qualities of Hollywood movies is professionalism. Every
scene from beginning to end has been performed
professionally. Also they always come up with best graphics
which makes everything look real in contrast to other
industries- Hollywood always stick to the one concept only
with great editing, subject variety and their sound effects
and its quality which helps together number of audience at a
single time
Difference between Hollywood and Bollywood Movies
Hollywood films tend to release during peak movie-going
seasons, such as summer and holiday periods, when people
are more free. Hollywood has more experience in producing
and marketing big-budget films. This is partially due to the
fact that Hollywood is in the business longer than
Bollywood (Hollywood was founded in the late 1800s while
Bollywood didn’t get started until the early 1900s).
Hollywood films tend to be better quality than Bollywood
films. This is because they have better scripts, better
production values, and better special effects. Hollywood
films are simply better quality than Bollywood films. Indian
youth is moving towards the Hollywood movie because
most of Hollywood stories are new and idea. Hollywood
films are made with dedication and with attention to details,
as they have higher budget than Bollywood, those film come
as Highly finished product even if they lack with strong
Avengers Infinity War, a phenomenal film has established a
change that highlights a permanent shift in preference for
Hollywood movies among the Indian urban moviegoers.
Avengers Infinity War in the Indian box office, has
reiterated that it’s unprecedented success sets a new
benchmark for Hollywood films and their increasing reach
with Indian audiences. Having released in just 2000 screens,
which is about half as wide as a big Hindi film, this Marvel
superhero spectacle is easily set to be the biggest Hollywood
film in India ever. That the Indian moviegoer increasingly
opts for a spectacle Hollywood film in a theatre today is
evident from recent successes that such films have
registered. In terms of releases, Spiderman 3, Avengers Age
of Ultron, Avatar, Jurassic World, Furious 7 have made over
a 100crores. With audience interest picking up swiftly,
exhibitors across India have added the number of screens
showing these films- either in English, with subtitles or in
dubbed Hindi and regional versions. Their strongest appeal
is word of mouth positive publicity from viewers.
Bollywood is an informal term that is used to represent the
Hindi-language film industry in India. Bollywood is just a
fraction of Indian cinema, which also incorporates
Assamese cinema, Telugu cinema, Marathi cinema, Gujarati
cinema, etc. Bollywood is the largest film producer around
the world and is responsible for churning over 1,000 movies
each year. Bollywood has become popularly known for its
music, dance and love stories. Bollywood has still followed
this trend that has made it popular and continues to
incorporate music and dance in its movies. Although, it
receives criticism from many movie goers that sometimes
songs and dance take away from the original plot of the
movie, other claim it gives a refreshing break allowing the
movie goers to recap the plot line and the story, along with
enjoying the music and the vivid, bright sceneries that are
part of the dance sequence.
Hollywood and Bollywood are both popular cinemas and
their names resonate their success around the world.
Hollywood is known world-wide and Bollywood is popular
in the eastern countries and has been gaining popularity in
many western countries including the US. Hollywood is a
term that has become synonymous with the American
cinema, while Bollywood is highly affiliated to the Indian
Cinema. Hollywood and Bollywood are two completely
different cinemas that cater to different audiences and hence
cannot properly be compared. However, they do have many
differences between them.
Data Analysis
Fig 1: Time spent on movies by youth
Data Interpretation: On asking, how much time they
spent on watching movies It was found that 53% of youth
watch movies in a week, 30% of youth watch movies in a
month, 10% of the youth watch movies in a 2 months and
7% of the youth watch movies in a day.
Fig 2: Preference of Youth
Data Interpretation: On asking, what is the preference of
youth in terms of movies it was found that 45% of youth
prefers Hollywood movies whereas 55% of youth prefers
Bollywood movies.
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Fig 3: Hollywood movies made more attractive
Data Interpretation:On asking, what makes more attracted
towards Hollywood movies it was found that 50% of youth
watch because of its story and screenplay, 31% of youth
watch because of its action, romance and comedy, 13% of
youth watch because of other reason and 6% of watch
because of its music and dialogue composition.
Fig 4: Bollywood movies made more attractive
Data Interpretation: On asking, what makes more attracted
towards Bollywood movies it was found that 50% of youth
watch because of its action, romance and comedy, 28% of
youth watch because of its music and dialogue composition,
12% of youth watch because of story and screenplay and
10% of youth watch because of other reasons.
Fig 5: Type of movies preferred by youth
Data Interpretation: On asking, what type of movies do
they prefer it was found that 35% of youth watch romantic
movies, 33% of youth watch comedy movies, 17% of youth
watch action movies and 15% of youth watch horror
Fig 6: Lost interest of youth in Bollywood movies
Data Interpretation: On asking, youth is losing interest in
Bollywood movies it was found that 46% of youth
sometimes felt like that, 28% of youth have lost their
interest, 23% of youth doesn’t felt like that and 3% of youth
rarely felt like that.
Fig 7: Reasons for losing interest in Bollywood movies
Data Interpretation: On asking, why the youth is losing
interest in Bollywood movies it was found that 38% of
youth lost their interest because of its copied content, 32%
of youth lost their interest because of lack of storyline, 16%
of youth lost their interest because of no acting skills and
14% of youth lost their interest because of nepotism.
Fig 8: Youth is trying to adapt western culture because of incline
towards these Hollywood movies.
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Data Interpretation: On asking, is youth is trying to adapt
western culture because of incline towards these Hollywood
movies. It was found that 34% of youth sometimes felt like
that, 32% of youth is actually trying to adapt western
culture, 21% of youth doesn’t feel like that whereas 13% of
youth rarely felt like that.
Fig 9: Movies affect our life
Data Interpretation: On asking, does movies affect our life
it was found that of youth sometimes felt like that, 38% of
youth sometimes felt like that, 35% of youth felt that movies
do affect our life, 22% of youth doesn’t feel like that
whereas 5% of youth rarely felt like that.
Fig 10: OTT platforms plays an important role in switching from
Bollywood to Hollywood movies.
Data Interpretation: On asking, OTT platforms plays an
important role in switching from Bollywood to Hollywood
movies. It was found that 68% of youth felt that OTT
platforms plays an important role in switching from
Bollywood to Hollywood movies, 20% of youth sometimes
felt like that, 9% of youth doesn’t felt like that, 3% of youth
rarely felt like that.
Movies has been a part of the entertainment industry for a
long time. It creates a massive impact on people all over the
world. In other words, it helps them give a break from
monotony. It has evolved greatly in recent years too.
Bollywood experienced this change in reception from the
audience. When films with prominent star cast failed at box-
office, makers knew that this audience is not as concerned
about the stars as it is about the content. However, they
could not bring back the major chunk of audience. With
OTT platforms, international content was made available for
all. This youth, in search of quality content, found many
gems. Now, many teenagers and millennials prefer watching
a non-Bollywood drama at any point.
Contrary to the hypothesis, young adults that switching to
Hollywood movies over Bollywood movies are 50 -50.
Despite the limitations, it can be observed that the half the
number of youth has switched to Hollywood movies. On
asking what suggestions they would like to offer the other
young adults that youth switching to Hollywood movies
over Bollywood movies most of them suggested that
Bollywood needs to buckle up as people are switching
because of idiotic stories also many believed that we cannot
completely switch to Hollywood. Many believed Bollywood
movies are rich in emotional quotient than Hollywood
movies, and it proposes a more direct and straightforward
approach. Some suggested Bollywood has a diversified
audience that ranges from the quality content of the films to
that of Hollywood. Some said that Bollywood makes
movies that are preferable to watch with family than
Hollywood films.
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2. Bansal P. things that make Hollywood better than any
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4. Naidu R. Indians can’t get enough of Hollywood, ET
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5. Sandhu V. India’s movies buffs are up, close and
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