University Scholarships
These scholarships are not restricted to any major or field of study. A student in any major may apply. In
some cases there are other restrictions or preferences such as trade union membership or geographic
location of resident.
Note: For all scholarships, the notification process does not include a notification to all applicants but
only to the selected recipient of the scholarship. The expected date of notifications by the end of May.
2024-2025 Alumni Association Student Scholarship
Amount: $2,500 (10 awards)
Established by: This program was established by the Cal State Fullerton Alumni Association. Scholarship
funds are raised through Alumni Association membership dues, generous support of CSUF alumni, and
proceeds raised at alumni programs and events. Money must be used for the upcoming academic year
and funds may not be transferred to another school or program. Undergraduate recipients must carry at
least 12 units per semester; graduate recipients must carry at least 6 units each semester. Recipients will
be invited and encouraged to attend signature alumni events for the 2024-2025 year.
Open to: This award is open to all incoming and continuing full-time undergraduate and graduate
students who will be attending CSUF for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Criteria: Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Academic Achievement
Expressed Financial Need
Titan Pride
Community Involvement
Meet the minimum requirement of a 2.5 GPA
Include one (1) letter of reference
Must answer the question, “How will a CSUF education contribute to your goals?” within the
scholarship application.
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024- 2025. Finalists for the scholarships will be
asked to participate in an interview with the Alumni Association scholarship committee in April 2024.
Application Deadline: Friday, March 8, 2024
Adopt-a-Titan Scholarship
Amount: Up to $8,000 (annually renewable)
Established by: This scholarship was originally established by the Richard Bergstrom on behalf of
the Bergstrom Family to provide financial assistance, based on financial need, to incoming CSUF
undergraduate students. Additional donors have joined the Bergstrom family to provide
funding for new scholarships. This scholarship is also awarded on behalf of the Nguyen
family. The purpose of the scholarship is to support achievement among students with financial
need. The scholarships are intended to minimize students’ debt burden.
Open to: This scholarship is open to CSUF new first-time or transfer undergraduate students in
any course of study who intend to complete an undergraduate degree in 4 years for new first-
time students and 2 years for transfer students.
Criteria: 2.5/3.0 GPA full-time enrollment financial need One-page essay
Application Procedure: 1)1) Complete the online scholarship application at, or, submit a
completed application and materials in a sealed envelope to: Adopt-a-Titan, Attn: Chalea
Forgues, UH-805; 2) Submit two letters of recommendation; one of the letters must be from a
high-school teacher, school counselor or community college faculty member. The second letter,
for all applicants, should be from a current/recent employer/supervisor at a campus or
community service organization in which the applicant has been actively involved or from
another teacher, school counselor or faculty member; 3) submit a one-page essay including any
financial hardship challenges you face in attending college and why this scholarship will support
your degree attainment and career goals. 4) Complete a Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) and have it on file with the Office of Financial Aid to establish financial need.
Application Deadline: March 2
Army ROTC Scholarships
Amount: Full college tuition plus $1,200 yearly book stipend. The option of receiving $10,000 yearly for
Room and Board in lieu of tuition is available. The Army ROTC Scholarship is available for students who
have been accepted into the Army ROTC program under contract and whom will serve in the United
States Army, Army Reserve and or Army National Guard as a commissioned Officer.
Established by: Department of Defense. The Army ROTC Scholarship financially supports the ROTC
Cadet during their pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree and complements the contracted
Cadet stipend of $420 monthly during the academic year. ROTC produces commissioned officers similar
to United States Military Academy (USMA) West Point, NY however offers the Cadet the traditional on
campus experience plus upon graduation and commission has Reserve Component options to fulfill their
service agreement.
Open to: The Army ROTC scholarship is available for CSUF students of all majors that are pursuing an
undergraduate or a graduate degree and meet criteria.
Criteria: Full time enrollment minimum of a 2.5 cumulative GPA Cannot graduate on the same year
that you will be turning 31 years of age Be a U.S. citizen CHARACTER: No drug possessions; No
assault charges; No major law violations Medically qualified by Department of Defense Medical
Evaluation Meet Army physical fitness standards University Acceptance AGREE TO ACCEPT A
COMMISSION: Active duty, Army Reserve, or National Guard
Application Procedure: Schedule an appointment with the ROTC Enrollment Adviser Mr. Steven Yach
Office (657) 278-3527, Cell (714) 931-3440, or Email or army[email protected]
Application Deadline: N/A
Avery D-An Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Established by: The endowment is established the Huynh-Nguyen Family Trust
Open to: The purpose of the annual scholarship is to provide support to full-time enrolled
undergraduate students pursuing an academic degree from California State University, Fullerton who
demonstrated a commitment to social justice. Preference will be given to those committed to and/or
have a history of working toward improvement of the educational, economic, social, and/or political
conditions of Viet, Khmer, Lao, and/or Hmong communities to create a more just society in the United
Criteria: GPA of 2.0 or higher, full-time undergraduate student, financial need, and preference to first-
generation college students (students whose parents did not graduate from a 4-year university).
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025. An additional essay is required for
this scholarship as part of your online application. Please respond to the following prompt:
In 500 words or less, please explain the financial and/or personal obstacles you are facing/have faced
while working toward your B.A., and your commitment to social justice with preference toward a
commitment to and/or history of working toward improvement of the educational, economic, social,
and/or political conditions of Viet, Khmer, Lao, and/or Hmong communities to create a more just society
in the United States.
Application Deadline: March 2
Bobbe Browning Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $500
Established by: The donor established this scholarship in honor of Bobbe Browning and her efforts to
recognize and assist Adult Reentry students who are single parents holding academic and professional
Open To: Currently enrolled Adult Reentry students at CSUF, pursuing a baccalaureate or master degree,
and have returned to the university after a break in their education.
Criteria: Single Parent GPA: 3.0 full-time student making progress toward a baccalaureate or
master degree preferably in a medical or social science field.
Application Procedure: Complete information form, copy of your unofficial CSUF transcript, submit 2
page typed personal statement and provide one letter of recommendation to The WoMen’s and Adult
Reentry Center, UH-205, (657) 278-3928. Information Form available at the WoMen’s and Adult Reentry
Center (WARC) in UH-205 or
Application Deadline: November 2
Cecil B. Thompson Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Established by: This scholarship was established by Michael and Donna Dannan to recognize and honor
adult reentry students returning to college after an extended absence. This scholarship is a tribute to
Cecil B. Thompson, a former CSUF economics faculty member who inspired Michael Dannan during his
first college experience in the 1960s. The donor has an understanding of the rigors and challenges
experienced by students returning to complete their education.
Open to: This scholarship is open to continuing students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree and
returning to studies after at least a five year absence.
Criteria: 2.7 GPA Enrolled in at least six units Have at least one academic year remaining
Application Procedure: 1) Complete application form); 2) Write a personal statement of 1-2 pages,
double-spaced describing what motivated you to return to college and pursue your higher education;
and 3) Submit completed application and essay to The WoMen’s and Adult Reentry Center, UH-205.
Information Form available at the WoMen’s and Adult Reentry Center (WARC) in UH-205 or
Application Deadline: April 6
Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program
Amount: Loans of up to $10,000 per year, up to a total of $30,000, within a five-year period while
enrolled full time in a doctoral program at an approved, accredited institution.
Established by: Established in 1987, The California State University (CSU) Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive
Program (CDIP) provides and opportunities for exceptional students interested in teaching the CSU to
receive comprehensive support during their doctoral studies. The CSU has and ambition goal of
increasing graduation rates for all students while eliminating opportunities and achievement gaps. The
goal of the California State University Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive program (CDIP) is to increase the
number of faculty with the qualifications, motivation, and skills needed to teach the diverse students of
the CSU.
CDIP has supported over 1,300 students in earning a doctoral degree. Scholars are supported during
their doctoral students with financial support including forgivable loans, mentorship by CSU faculty and
professional development and grant resources. It is the largest program of its kind in the United States.
Funds for the CDIP are contingent on the California State University Board of Trustees' approval each
year of the Lottery Revenue Budget, which funds the program. Since 1987, the program has loaned $51
million to 2,175 doctoral students. More than half (60%) of CDIP scholars who completed their
doctorates have obtained faculty positions at a CSU campus.
Open to: CDIP is intended to support doctoral students who will pursue CSU instructional faculty
positions. As such, students who meet one of the following criteria are eligible to apply to the CDIP:
New or continuing full-time doctoral students currently enrolled in accredited programs in
the U.S.;
Undergraduate and master's-level graduate students in the application process to
accredited doctoral programs in the U.S.;
Lecturers who are enrolled full-time in a doctoral program are eligible and encouraged to
apply. However, probationary and tenured faculty members in the CSU are not eligible
regardless of their status in a doctoral program.
Special considerations for students in professional and online doctoral degree programs:
Most professional doctoral degree programs (such as Ed.D., DNP, DPT, and PsyD) as well as online
degree programs are designed for developing advanced administrative and/or applied skills in a
profession that are required for entrance into a non-academic career.
Applicants in a professional doctoral and/or online program may apply to the CDIP only if they plan to
pursue a tenure-track instructional faculty position AND their doctoral program’s mission explicitly
includes preparation and training of future university faculty members (evidence of latter must be
provided by applicant).
Given that the CSU Ed.D. programs were established for the purpose of preparing administrative leaders
for the California public education system (California Education Code 66040.3), applicants pursuing
professional doctorates from CSU Ed.D. programs must make a strong case for how their doctoral
programs prepare them to be qualified and competitive for CSU faculty positions.
Additional Eligibility Criteria
Enrollment or employment in the California State University is not required for participation in the
program. However, approximately one-fourth of the awards are expected to be made to individuals who
have served in CSU positions represented by the California Faculty Association in the last two years.
U.S. citizenship is not required, but applicants must be eligible to work in the U.S. for CSU faculty
Criteria: Two criteria are used to make selections to the Chancellor's Doctoral Incentive Program:
1. Applicant's potential as a doctoral student, potential to become a tenure-track faculty member, and
interest in teaching a diverse student population.
2. Academic discipline: Primary consideration will be given to candidates whose proposed area of study
falls where CSU campuses anticipate the greatest difficulty in filling potential future instructional
faculty positions. Information from a variety of sources may be considered when evaluating this
criterion. One relevant source is the CSU Report on Faculty Recruitment Survey, which presents recent
information on the number of tenure-track searches and appointments in various disciplines throughout
the CSU system.
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the application form at; 2) A current curriculum vitae, limited to
four pages; 3) Statement of qualifications and motivation, limited to three pages, and addresses how
the following have contributed to your commitment to become a CSU faculty member:
Academic preparation
Professional experiences
Motivation and interest
Connection to the CSU
Ability to educate a diverse student body
4) CSU Collaborative Plan of Support; 5) Three professional letters of recommendation, one of which is
from your CSU faculty mentor. If currently enrolled in a doctoral program, one of the other letters must
be from a faculty member at that institution; 6) A recent CSU faculty position announcement in your
general field that has recently been posted at a CSU campus.
Application Deadline: February 1
Chicano/Latino Faculty and Staff Association (CLFSA) Scholarship
Amount: $500 for undergraduate students; $600 for graduate students
Established by: This scholarship was established and funded by the Cal State Fullerton CLFSA to assist
students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service within the Chicano/Latino
Open to: This scholarship is open to all majors; full-time undergraduate and graduate students who will
be enrolled full-time at CSUF the following academic year.
Criteria: 2.5 GPA for undergraduate student’s 3.0 GPA for graduate student’s Leadership Active
involvement in Chicano/Latino community and/or Chicano/Latino campus organizations financial need
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the SA application, answering all seven questions, and sign the
certification on the reverse side; 2) Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (if
eligible to apply) for establishing financial need; 3) Attach a copy of your financial aid award summary,
available from TITAN Online (if awarded); 3) Submit an unofficial transcript called TDA(Titan Degree
Audit) which is available from TITAN Online; 4) Write a full-page essay that: a) describes how you have
made significant contributions to the Chicano/Latino community through involvement with on and off
campus clubs or organizations and b) describe how your involvement has contributed to your personal
development; and 5) Submit completed application and documents to PLS-180, (657) 278-2537. For
additional questions please contact (657) 278-3920.
Application Deadline: July 20 (postmark deadline)
Community Engagement Medal
Amount: Medal
Established by: This award was established by the Center for Internships & Community Engagement to
recognize and honor graduating students who went above and beyond what is required for their
degrees by pursuing course related community engagement opportunities during their academic studies
at CSUF through unpaid academic internships and service-learning coursework.
Open to: This award is open to graduating baccalaureate or master's students who have completed at
least two unpaid academic internship or service-learning courses. Of these two courses, one of the
following conditions also must be met; EITHER (a) at least one of the courses must be an elective that
exceeds the requirements for the degree; OR (b) the student completed a total of at least 30 hours
more than required for both courses. See application form for more details.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement and course-related service
Application Procedure: 1) Obtain an application form from or from the
Center for Internships & Community Engagement, room LH 206 or via email from [email protected],
(657) 278-3746; 2) Complete application form; and 3) Submit form and required documentation to CICE.
Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m., March 23
Council of Building and Construction Trades Scholarship
Amount: $500
Established by: This award is funded by the Building and Construction Trades Council of Orange County,
AFL-CIO. First preference is given to students who are members or whose immediate family are
members, active or retired, of a labor union affiliated with the donor.
Open to: This award is open to continuing full-time students with or without union affiliation.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement Financial need
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025.
Application Deadline: April 30
Daphne Tinsley Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Established by: This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Daphne Tinsley, former CSUF
employee in the Office of Financial Aid.
Open to: This award is open to disadvantaged students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree.
Criteria: 2.5 GPA Extracurricular activities Community involvement Leadership Financial need
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025.
Application Deadline: April 30
Elevar Scholars Program
Amount: $2,000 ($1,000 for Fall and $1,000 for Spring)
Established by: Funded by the CSU and Giles T. Brown Endowment for Graduate Studies through the Cal
State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation, this program seeks to increase the diversity of students
completing graduate degree programs, encourage further study in doctoral programs and promote
consideration of university faculty careers. If provides fellowships to economically disadvantaged CSUF
students who have overcome educational disadvantages or hardships. The fellowships are intended to
minimize students’ debt burden, allowing them to complete their program more quickly and commence
doctoral study.
Open to: This scholarship is open to graduate students (including international students)
Criteria: Be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at Cal State Fullerton or admitted to a
graduate program at Cal State Fullerton for Fall 2019 Enrolled in a minimum of 6 units per semester
toward a graduate degree program Must have a minimum 3.00 cumulative Graduate GPA
Demonstrate a $1,000 minimum need as determined by filing a 2019-2020 Free Applications for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA)
Application Procedure: 1) Download the application from 2) A personal statement answering the
question on the application form. 3) One letter of recommendation from a faculty/staff member. 4)
Submit completed application and all materials to Sonya White in the Office of Graduate Studies, MH-
112. Incomplete or late packages will NOT be accepted.
Application Deadline: April 24
Emeriti Memorial Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships
Amount: $2,000 (number of awards based on funding)
Established by: These awards are funded by the Emeriti Faculty and Staff of California State University,
Fullerton in memory of deceased colleagues.
Open to: One award is open to continuing CSUF full-time, upper division students in any major. A second
award is open to continuing CSUF graduate students.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement University accomplishments and activities Community service
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025, detailing your extracurricular
activities and service, both on campus and off. Provide two letters of recommendation from CSUF
faculty/staff. Write an essay or personal statement of your achievements, motivation and aspirations.
For questions, contact Paul Miller, pmille[email protected].
Application Deadline: March 1
Emma E. Holmes Outstanding Mathematics Project Award
Amount: $200
Established by: This award is by nomination only and was established by the Department of Elementary
and Bilingual Education. The department selects the recipient on the recommendation of the graduate
student’s project advisor.
Open to: Nomination for this award is open to candidates for the MS in Education with a concentration
in Elementary Curriculum and Instruction.
Criteria: Outstanding project or thesis related to mathematics education in elementary or middle school
Application Procedure: By nomination only
Application Deadline: N/A
Extraordinary Acts of Service Award
Amount: Plaque
Established by: This award was established by the Center for Internships & Community Engagement to
recognize a student who has shown outstanding commitment and follow-through with service-learning
and/or academic internship service project(s) that positively impacted the community; demonstrated
commitment above and beyond their duties for an organization; and generated a tangible benefit for
the organization.
Open to: This award is open to students who have completed at least 20 hours of service for credit in a
service-learning course(s), or completed an academic internship.
Criteria: Nomination form Extraordinary service
Application Procedure: 1) Obtain a nomination form from or from the
Center for Internships & Community Engagement, room LH-206 or via email from [email protected],
(657) 278-3746; 2) Complete the nomination form; and 3) Submit form with required attachments to LH-
Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m., March 1
Future Scholars Program
Amount: Up to $1,500
Established by: This award was established by the CSU Scholarship Program in an effort to increase
college participation of disadvantaged students.
Open to: This award is open to all first-time freshmen/first-time transfer students who meet regular
CSUF admission requirements as a new CSU freshman or transfer student. Scholarship is open to anyone
regardless of residency status.
Criteria: 2.5 GPA, significant contributions to school and community and financial need
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the application available in Student Academic Services, UH 143,
(657) 278-4348; 2) Applicants must have applied for financial aid ( if eligible) by completing the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or DREAM application; and 3) Submit the Future Scholars
application to C/O of Janette L. Hyder to UH 143.
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall and
Spring Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic counseling twice per semester; 3) Meet
with assigned faculty/staff mentor once a week per semester; 4) Meet with assign peer mentor twice a
month; 5) Attend three student success workshops per semester 6) Submit two grade cards per
semester. 7) Attend Networking Mixer and Scholar Resource Fair
Application Deadline: April 19
General Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Established by: This award was established to assist needy students in completing their educational
goals. The scholarship is awarded annually to several students.
Open to: This award is open to continuing CSUF full-time students in any major.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement Financial need
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025.
Application Deadline: April 30
Giles T. Brown Scholarship
Amount: $500
Established by: This award is funded by the Evening Forum of Leisure World in the name of Dr. Giles
Brown, Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of History, Emeritus. The scholarship is awarded
annually to one or more students who have completed their junior year and plan to graduate from Cal
State Fullerton.
Open to: This award is open to continuing full-time students entering their senior year.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement Financial need
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the application available on our future scholars website, ; 2) Applicants must have applied for financial aid ( if eligible) by
completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or DREAM application; and 3) Submit
the Future Scholars application by the deadline.
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall
Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic counseling twice per semester; 3) Meet with
assigned faculty/staff mentor each semester; 4) Meet with assigned peer mentor twice a month; 5)
Attend three student success workshops per semester 6) Submit grade cards each semester. 7) Attend
Networking Mixer and Leadership Retreat.
Application Deadline: April 30
Giles T. Brown Travel Grant
Amount: $200-$1000 each application cycle
Established by: The Giles T. Brown Graduate Student Travel Grant, established in Fall 2015 with funds
from the Giles T. Brown Endowment for Graduate Studies, supports the travel of CSUF graduate
students to participate in conferences. Grant money funds travel and conference registration expenses
for CSUF graduate students participating in professional conferences and other professional activities
(performances, art exhibitions, etc.) wherein the student is presenting his/her research and/or
presenting creative or performing activities.
Open to: This scholarship is open to Graduate students (including International students)
Criteria: 1. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate degree program (master’s or doctoral)
during the semester of application (enrollment in GRAD 700 is acceptable.)
2. U.S. and/or California residency is not a requirement.
3. Applicants must be in good academic standing with a minimum 3.00 Graduate GPA (cannot be on
academic probation).
4. Applicants must demonstrate financial need. Financial need will be determined by the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act if you are eligible. If you are not eligible to
complete one of these applications, you will need to explain your financial need in Part II of the grant
application. The explanation needs to include details about your regular expenses and income and will
be determined at the discretion of the Director of Graduate Studies.
5. Priority is given to applicants whose travel will occur within the next three months; applications for
travel planned for more than three months before or after the application date might be postponed to a
later application date. Travel cannot occur less than 2 weeks of the submittal deadline dates. A
completed Travel Request form must accompany your application as well.
6. “Conference” may include symposia, congress, arts competitions, and performance auditions.
Applications will only be considered if the student has an active participation in the conference (for
example, as presenter, speaker, poster author, panelist, conference volunteer/worker, performer, etc.)
It is expected that the graduate student’s participation will be linked to the student’s degree program
requirements (for example, thesis or project research, performance, or course work).
Application Procedure: 1) Download the application from; 2) complete a FAFSA (or have one on-
file), CA Dream Act or personal statement to establish financial need; 3) complete a Travel Request form
and include copy of the conference program or document showing conference date & location. 4) One
faculty letter of recommendation. 5) Copy of CV/Resume. Submit completed application and all
materials to Sonya White in the Office of Graduate Studies, MH-112 by 5pm on the application deadline.
Incomplete or late packages will NOT be accepted.
Application Deadline: Fall- September 5 and November 28
Spring- February 20 and May 20
Issei Pioneers Scholarship
Amount: up to $1,000
Established by: This scholarship was established through an endowed gift from the “A Tribute to Issei
Pioneers Fund”, a Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.
Open To: The scholarship is for university students each of whom, through their leadership or service,
demonstrates a commitment to academic achievement and to the Japanese American community.
Criteria: Be a newly entering or continuing undergraduate studentDemonstrate outstanding
leadership, service or active involvement in the Japanese American community and/or Japanese
American campus organizationsDemonstrate financial needDemonstrate a record of academic
Application Procedure: Contact our office at 657-278-5495 for application beginning in January 2015.
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall and
Spring Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic counseling twice per semester; 3) Meet
with assign peer mentor twice a month; 4) Attend three student success workshops per semester 5)
Submit two grade cards per semester. 6) Attend Networking Mixer and Leadership Retreat.
Application Deadline: March 15
Kenneth L. Goodhue‐McWilliams Award for Outstanding Community
Service in the Health Professions
Amount: $500 and plaque
Established by: Dr. Goodhue-McWilliams, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Sciences
Open to: Nomination for this award is open to all members of the Student Health Professions
Association (SHPA)
Criteria: Outstanding contributions to community Student Health Professions Association membership
Volunteer in a health profession setting
Application Procedure: Application will be posted on the Health Professions website in the spring.
Application Deadline: Mid-March
Morningside Blaisdell-Hartsfield Scholarship
Amount: $2,500 (two annually renewable scholarships available)
Established by: This scholarship was established by the Morningside of Fullerton Retirement Community
Foundation through the generosity of resident Leeann Blaisdell-Hartsfield. The scholarship provides
financial assistance to CSUF undergraduate, graduate, or post-baccalaureate students of all majors. The
purpose of the scholarship is to support achievement among disadvantaged students. The scholarships
are intended to minimize students’ debt burden.
Open to: This scholarship is open to incoming or continuing CSUF students in any course of study.
Preference is given to working students and students employed by Morningside or Park Vista senior
Criteria: 2.5 GPA full-time enrollment financial need One-page essay
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the online scholarship application
at, or, submit a
completed application and materials in a sealed envelope to: Morningside Adopt-a-Titan Scholarship,
Attn: UH-183A. (applications without a written statement will not be considered); 2) Submit a letter of
recommendation; from a teacher, school counselor, community college faculty member, or volunteer or
work supervisor; 3) Submit a one-page essay including any financial hardship challenges you face in
attending college and why this scholarship will support your degree attainment and career goals. 4)
Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and have it on file with the Office of
Financial Aid to establish financial need.
Application Deadline: March 2
Outstanding Student Leader Award
Amount: Plaque
Established by: This award was established by the Center for Internships & Community Engagement to
recognize a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in service to the community through
one or more unpaid academic internship or service-learning courses. The award recognizes students
who have shown creativity and initiative and have taken risks to complete tasks that advance the goals
of the organization(s) where the service takes place, and/or who have made valuable contributions that
positively impact the community.
Open to: This award is open to students who have completed at least 20 hours of service for credit in a
service-learning course, or completed an unpaid academic internship.
Criteria: Nomination form Leadership Creativity
Application Procedure: 1) Obtain a nomination form from or from the
Center for Internships & Community Engagement, room LH-206 or via email from [email protected],
(657) 278-3746; 2) Complete the nomination form; and 3) Submit form with required attachments to LH-
Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m., March 1
Phi Beta Delta Student Scholarship Internationalist Awards
Amount: Varies
Established by: This award was established by Phi Beta Delta Honor Society to recognize scholastic
achievement and outstanding leadership in the area of international studies, intercultural studies, or
campus international activities.
Open to: This award is open to undergraduates and graduates who are new or continuing members of
Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement Outstanding leadership Involvement with international education
Application Procedure: 1) Download the Phi Beta Delta scholarship. Then follow the instructions on the
application for how to complete and submit it.
Application Deadline: April 8
President’s Scholars Program
Amount: In-state CSU enrollment fees for four years; $750 annually for books and supplies; use of a
laptop computer; complimentary parking; priority registration; participation in the University Honors
Program; priority consideration for on-campus housing.
Established by: This scholarship was established and is funded by private donations to provide an
opportunity for first time freshman and community college transfers, who have served in the military,
who has demonstrated outstanding academics and leadership performance. President’s Scholars are
selected by a committee of faculty administrators, students and community representatives. President’s
Scholars attend special seminars and selected social, cultural and athletic events, receive letters of
recommendation from the President, and are honored in other special ways. Due to the generosity of
our campus partners, Titan Shops provide each scholar the use of an Apple or Dell laptop computer.
Open to: This scholarship is open to first-time freshmen and military veteran community college
transfers who are residents of California and who are pursuing an undergraduate degree at CSUF.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement High test scores Exceptional School and community leadership
Interview (Please refer to the website for more information on criteria)
Application Procedure: Submit all materials to President’s Scholars Program through the on-line
application. For first time freshman applicants this can be accessed via our website at For military veteran community college transfers this can be accessed via
our website at
Application Deadline: January 17
Professor & Mrs. Ting K. Pan Memorial Scholarship
Amount: one or more scholarships at a minimum of $1,000 a maximum of $2,000
Established by: This scholarship was established and funded by Emeritus Professor, Dorothy Pan Wong
and named in memory of her parents. The scholarship is to assist international students or students who
are the first in their family to attend college.
Open to: This scholarship is open to graduate/undergraduate international students or first generation
students that are majoring in physical or computer science, math, engineering, or nursing; having
studied at CSUF at least one semester, a 3.0 gpa or above, and with demonstrated financial need.
Criteria: above 3.0 GPA Financial need Full-time Enrollment Applicant has studied at least one
semester at CSUF. Graduating seniors are not eligible
Application Procedure: 1) Log into your CSUF portal (be sure to use the new portal) and click on the
“Scholarships” button. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the Scholarship Application.
2) Complete a FAFSA application (or have one on-file) for establishing financial need (Free Application
for Federal Student Aid), or a “Student Financial Disclosure” (form available at UH-244). 3) Provide two
letters of recommendation from CSUF faculty/staff4) Write an essay or personal statement that
describes your financial situation and how you will use these funds. 5) Submit samples or slides of
current work as examples of artistic work (if applicable) 6) Submit completed application(s) and
materials (if required) to UH-244
Application Deadline: March 14
Schools First Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Amount: $300 (Approx.)
Established by: This scholarship is funded by the Schools First Federal Credit Union and is awarded
annually to recognize an outstanding student.
Open to: This scholarship is open to continuing full-time CSUF students
Criteria: 3.0 GPA Financial need
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025.
Application Deadline: May 1
The East Los Angeles Community Union (TELACU) & Cal State Fullerton
Amount: Scholarships range from $500 to $7,500
Established by: This scholarship is funded by TELACU, the Office of the CSUF President and the Office of
the CSUF Vice President for Student Affairs. This scholarship is awarded annually to low income, first
generation college students who will be enrolled full-time for the entire academic year at Cal State
Open to: This scholarship is open to students who reside in East Los Angeles, Bell Gardens, Commerce,
Huntington Park, City of Los Angeles, Montebello, Monterey Park, Pico Rivera, Pomona & the Inland
Empire, Santa Ana, South Gate, or other communities selected by the TELACU Education Foundation for
inclusion in the Scholarship Program; applicant may be either incoming first-time freshman or a
continuing student. This scholarship is open to anyone regardless of residency status.
Criteria: 2.5 GPA: Outstanding academic potential, genuine commitment to the community and a need
for financial aid and academic support in order to successfully complete a post secondary program.
Application Procedure: 1) Complete the TELACU Scholarship application by visiting the website at; 2) Write a personal narrative (details listed on website); 3) Provide 2 letters of
recommendation; 4) Provide an official academic transcript; 5) Provide your SAT/ACT score report (high
school applicants); 6) Provide one of the following; copy of returned SAR, a completed signed copy of
the FAFSA ( if eligible to apply) form you have filed, or your parent’s 2014 tax return; and 7) Mail
application with supporting documents to: TELACU Education Foundation c/o Scholarship Program, 5400
E. Olympic Blvd., third floor, Los Angeles, CA90022. For additional information please contact (657) 278-
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall
Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic counseling twice per semester; 3) Meet with
assigned peer mentor twice a month; 4) Attend three student success workshops per semester 5)
Submit grade cards each semester. 6) Attend Networking Mixer and Leadership Retreat.
Application Deadline: March 1
The California Pre-Doctoral Program
Amount: $3,000 (plus optional funding for summer research experience opportunities)
Established by: This program is designed to increase the diversity of the pool of potential faculty by
supporting the doctoral aspirations of CSU students who have experienced economic and educational
disadvantages. Winners will be designated as Sally Casanova Scholars, as a tribute to Dr. Sally Casanova,
for whom the award is named.
With the aid of a CSUF Faculty/Staff Sponsor, these Scholars are exposed to unique opportunities to help
prepare them to succeed in doctoral programs. The program places a special emphasis on increasing
the number of CSU students who enter doctoral programs at one of the University of California (UC) or
California State institutions. The program provides travel funds to visit doctorate-granting institutions,
options for summer research internships/opportunities, and funds for other doctoral program related
Open to: This scholarship is open to juniors, seniors and graduate students who are enrolled at a CSU
campus and who will be enrolled for at least one semester of the academic year 2019-2020.
Criteria: Academic excellence Economic or educational disadvantages Must be enrolled at a CSU
campus and who will be enrolled for at least one semester of the academic year 2019-2020
Commitment to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level. Professional degrees
(law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or an MBA) are not eligible U.S. citizen or permanent resident or
AB540/DACA status at the time the application is submitted Must have a CSUF faculty/staff sponsor
who will be available for the duration of the plan
Applications are reviewed and selected by the Chancellor’s Office. Sally Casanova Scholars are selected
on three major criteria: 1) potential for success in completing a doctoral program, 2) probable
effectiveness of the student/faculty plan, and 3) level of economic and education disadvantage.
Application Procedure: The 2019-20 Pre-Doctoral application will be available in mid-December 2018.
You can download the application from or
you can obtain a copy from the Office of Graduate Studies (MH-112) in December 2017.
Final approval and submission of the application must be sent electronically by the CSUF Pre-Doctoral
Coordinator on or before Friday, February 1, 2019.
Application Deadline: February 1
The Orange County Hispanic Education Endowment Fund (H.E.E.F.)
Amount: Scholarships range from $1,000- $2,000
Established by: The Orange County Hispanic Educational Endowment Fund (HEEF) serves students who
live in Orange County (OC), California only. Our mission is to improve access to higher education for OC
Hispanic/Latino students. HEEF offers competitive academic scholarships for OC high school and
community college transfers, awards tuition grants for students at selected Santa Ana, CA
Open to: This scholarship is open to students who reside in Orange County. HEEF scholarships are based
on a combination of low-income family background, academic achievement and involvement in
extracurricular activities, community volunteer work, church service or work-employment.
Criteria: For high school seniors and community college transfers who are admitted to and enroll at
CSUF, demonstrate extracurricular or community leadership and have a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Application Procedure: 1) Click or open this link: 2 ) Select the
scholarship you wish to apply for 3) Click on “sign up” and you will be prompted to enter an email
address and password, once you complete this, click on “sign up” on the lower right-hand corner. 4)
Complete the application in its entirety and submit 5) if you have any questions, please contact:
Michelle Abril, Scholarship Associate Chair at 949-553-4202 ext. 46 or via email at [email protected]
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall and
Spring Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic planning twice per semester; 3) Meet
with assigned faculty/staff mentor once a week per semester; 4) Meet with assigned peer mentor twice
a month; 5) Attend three student success workshops per semester 6) Submit a grade card per semester.
7) Attend Networking Mixer and Leadership Retreat.
Application Deadline: January 21
The Robert and Shirley Belloli Award for Service and Academic
Accomplishment in the Health Professions
Amount: $500 Titan Bookstore Award
Established by: Dr. Robert Belloli, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Open to: Nomination for this award is open to identified pre-health professions Cal State Fullerton
undergraduate students. Students should have completed at least one upper division Biology class and
Chem 301A, Chem 301B and Chem 302 and have a minimum of 50 hours of community or clinical
service and have at least two semesters before graduation.
Criteria: Outstanding scholastic achievement Noteworthy community or clinical commitment service
Application Procedure: Students should complete the application form available on the Health
Professions Office webpage and arrange to have one letter of recommendation sent to the Health
Professions Advising office.
Application Deadline: May 31
The Russell V. and Betty L. Benson Endowment Undergraduate and
Graduate Scholarships
Amount: $2,000 (Number of awards varies depending on funds available)
Established by: The Russell V. and Betty L. Benson Endowment. Administered by the Emeriti Association
of California State University, Fullerton. Professor Russell V. Benson was an Emeritus Professor of
Open to: This scholarship is open to continuing CSUF full-time, upper division students in any major and
continuing CSUF graduate students in any discipline.
Criteria: Scholastic achievement University accomplishments and activities Community service
Application Procedure: Log into your CSUF portal and click on the “Scholarships” app on the left hand
side. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY - FULLERTON
SCHOLARSHIP & AWARD APPLICATION Academic Year 2024 - 2025, detailing your extracurricular
activities and service, both on campus and off. Provide two letters of recommendation from CSUF
faculty/staff. Write an essay or personal statement of your achievements, motivation and aspirations.
For questions, contact Dr. Linda Andersen,
Application Deadline: March 1
The Thurmond Scholarship
Amount: $2000 (full time), $1000 (part time)
Established by: The Thurmond family, Fullerton community philanthropists, established a college
scholarship fund through the YWCA to recognize students and to assist with educational expenses.
Open to: This scholarship is open to continuing students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree
who will be continuously enrolled for the next academic year. (Student status full or part time will
dictate scholarship award amount.
Criteria: 2.0 GPA Financial need Reentry student
Application Procedure: 1) Obtain and complete the Thurmond information form from UH-205 or call
(657) 278-3928; and provide materials as directed; 2) Copy of your unofficial transcript. 3) Obtain a
letter of recommendation from a professor/instructor or employer; 4) Submit application to the
Women’s Center, UH-205. Information available at the WoMen’s and Adult Reentry Center in UH-205 or
Application Deadline: March 1
Titan Parent and Family Association Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 each (multiple available)
Established by: This program was established by the Cal State Fullerton Titan Parents and Family
Association. Funds must be used for the upcoming academic year and may not be transferred to another
school or program. Scholarships will be awarded in August every year.
Open to: This award is open to all CSUF undergraduate students. Priority consideration will be given to
students with family members in the Titan Parent and Family Association.
Criteria: Minimum 2.0 GPA Enrolled in a minimum of 12 units per semester Community service
Application Procedure: 1) Complete and sign the applicaon at
olarship%20Applicaon.pdf or visit 
2) Type one-page, double-spaced responses to each of the three essay quesons (below);
1. Being a CSUF Titan is a special honor. How has being a part of the CSUF community impacted
your life?
2. How have you recently served your community? How has this involvement impacted you?
3. If awarded, how will this scholarship support your educaonal aspiraons as it relates to your
career goals?
3) Submit the completed applicaon form and essay responses by the stated deadline to
 Include your name, CWID and term year in your email.
4) Scholarship recipients will be expected to provide a photo of themselves, sign a photo release and
write a note of thanks to scholarship donors.
Application Deadline: Thursday, February 29, 2024
Titan Pride Scholarship
Amount: $1,500
Established by: This scholarship was established to recognize students who exhibit true Titan Pride by
providing leadership and service to the University through involvement in Fraternity and Sorority Life at
Open to: This scholarship is open to initiated members of recognized and active Franternity and Sorority
Life chapters who demonstrate leadership within their respective councils at CSUF.
Criteria: Enrolled and matriculating as a current CSUF undergraduate student Good academic standing
with the University with a minimum GPA of 2.0 Current and active membership in a recognized and
active member of a recognized CSUF fraternity or sorority (Panhellenic, Interfraterternal, Multicultural
Greek, or National Pan-Hellenic chapter)
Selected recipient will be required to write a thank you note to the donor
Application Procedure: Submit a full application packet, including a completed application and personal
statement answering the prompt: Please describe how your chapter has positively impacted your
college experience; describe how you have demonstrated leadership in your chapter, council, or the FSL
community at CSUF (500 words).
Interested students can apply using the following link:
OR the following QR code:
Application Deadline: Applications open on March 27-April 28.
William Hernandez Memorial Scholarship
Amount: up to $1,000
Established by: This scholarship was established in memory of William Hernandez to recognize
outstanding academic excellence.
Open to: This scholarship is open to current CSUF full-time graduate students who are former EOP
students and to current CSUF full-time undergraduate EOP students.
Criteria: 3.0 Graduate GPA 2.5 Undergraduate GPA Active involvement in community activities
Leadership skills
Application Procedure: Contact our office at 657-278-5495 for application beginning in January 2024.
Scholarship Requirements: Recipients of this award must adhere to the following: 1) Attend Fall and
Spring Scholarship orientation/ meeting 2) Meet for academic counseling twice per semester; 3) Meet
with assign peer mentor twice a month; 4) Attend three student success workshops per semester 5)
Submit two grade cards per year. 6) Attend Networking Mixer and Leadership Retreat.
Application Deadline: May 15