Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TQE.2020.Doi Number
Decentralization using Quantum Blockchain: A
Theoretical Analysis
Zebo Yang
, Student Member, IEEE, Tara Salman
, Member, IEEE, Raj Jain
, Life Fellow,
IEEE, and Roberto Di Pietro
, Fellow, IEEE
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA
Department of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3104 USA
College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
Corresponding author: Zebo Yang (email: [email protected]).
This publication was made possible by the NPRP grant # NPRP11S-0109-180242 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation.
The findings achieved herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
ABSTRACT Blockchain technology has been prominent recently due to its applications in cryptocurrency.
Numerous decentralized blockchain applications have been possible due to blockchainsnature of distributed,
secured, and peer-to-peer storage. One of its technical pillars is using public-key cryptography and hash
functions, which promise a secure, pseudo-anonymous, distributed storage with non-repudiation. This
security is believed to be difficult to break with classical computational powers. However, recent advances
in quantum computing have raised the possibility of breaking these algorithms with quantum computers, thus,
threatening the blockchains’ security. Quantum-resistant blockchains are being proposed as alternatives to
resolve this issue. Some propose to replace traditional cryptography with post-quantum cryptography—others
base their approaches on quantum computer networks or quantum internets. Nonetheless, a new security
infrastructure (e.g., access control/authentication) must be established before any of these could happen. This
article provides a theoretical analysis of the quantum blockchain technologies that could be used for
decentralized identity authentication. We put together a conceptual design for a quantum blockchain identity
framework (QBIF) and give a review of the technical evidence. We investigate its essential components and
feasibility, effectiveness, and limitations. Even though it currently has various limitations and challenges, we
believe a decentralized perspective of quantum applications is noteworthy and likely.
INDEX TERMS Blockchains, Consensus protocol, Decentralized applications, Identity management
systems, Quantum computing, Quantum networks.
Blockchain technology, as a peer-to-peer technique that
keeps track of sequential data, and its numerous applications,
e.g., cryptocurrencies, has attracted massive attention in
recent years. Besides cryptocurrencies, it provides an
innovative way to realize decentralized applications, which
has led to many interesting research topics, such as
decentralized consensus mechanisms, trustless security,
cryptographical access controls, and non-repudiation [1].
Blockchain applications span various sectors, including
finance, healthcare, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity,
and many others [2, 3].
Public key cryptography and hash functions are one of the
blockchains’ main pillars to realize secure access control and
distributed data. Public key cryptography schemes generally
use two keys for encryption/decryption, user authentication,
and digital signatures for secure data transmissions. These
schemes require public and private key pairs that can be self-
generated or obtained from a public key infrastructure (PKI)
consisting of a hierarchy of certificate authorities. In
blockchains, they are used to authenticate network nodes. For
example, Bitcoin [4] and most other existing blockchain
platforms use the public-key method for elliptic curve
cryptography-based digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) for
user authentication and access control. Also, hash functions
are used to securely “chain” the data stored in blocks by
referencing each block to its previous/parent block using the
previous block’s hash. For example, SHA-256 is used as a
hash function to chain the data blocks in Bitcoin.
Public key cryptography and hash functions are prevalently
used and are secure enough against factorization attacks and
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 2
brute force attacks using classical computers. This is due to the
difficulty of solving large-number factorization and reversing
one-way functions. However, quantum computers have
provided polynomial-time solutions to solve factorization
(e.g., Shor's algorithm) [5] and efficient ways to reverse one-
way hash functions in
(e.g., Grover’s algorithm) [6].
In addition, such algorithms can also be used to find hash
collisions efficiently, which could result in data tampering in
blockchains [7]. Recent studies have shown the significance
of tackling potential quantum threats to classical blockchains
[8, 9, 10].
To address the potential quantum threats, new classical
cryptography algorithms, called post-quantum cryptography,
are being developed [11]. They use cryptographic primitives
other than factorization, such as lattice, for public key schemes
to avoid potential threats based on Shor's algorithm.
Blockchains use public key schemes to secure their user
accounts (public keys to generate addresses and pass codes
based on private keys). If such public key schemes are
endangered (e.g., pass codes can be found), user assets (e.g.,
cryptocurrencies) will no longer be secure. Post-quantum
blockchains that use post-quantum public key cryptography
have been developed and are claimed to be immune to
quantum attacks [12]. They replace blockchains' current
public key cryptography with post-quantum counterparts. On
the other hand, the vulnerability of hash functions is not as
impactful since we can increase the hash length to resist
quantum attacks (e.g., a hash collision that maps two inputs to
the same hash value). However, increasing the length
sacrifices performance.
Moreover, quantum blockchains that are solely (or in a
hybrid manner) based on quantum computer networks (or the
so-called quantum Internet) are also being explored [13, 14,
15, 16, 17]. The classical data chain has been re-designed in a
quantum manner by correlating quantum states over
entanglements. “Unconditional security” of quantum
decentralization is claimed for such quantum blockchains [16,
However, quantum blockchains are still in their early phase
and thus still lack sufficient research and implementation on
the infrastructures. Quantum blockchain infrastructures such
as access control and user authentication must be established
before any quantum decentralization. Hence, in this article, we
theoretically explore the essential components of a
decentralized quantum application based on quantum
The contributions of this article are listed below:
We provide a theoretical analysis of quantum
blockchains and their use for a decentralized identity
authentication application.
We accommodate the classical blockchain identity
management with quantum advantages against the
quantum threats (to classical cryptography).
We put together a conceptual design for a quantum
blockchain identity framework (QBIF) and give a
review of the related technologies.
We investigate the feasibility, effectiveness, and
limitations of QBIF’s essential components.
Even though it comes with various limitations and
challenges, we believe a decentralized perspective of quantum
applications is noteworthy and likely. Identity management
frameworks promise to maintain users’ identity information
securely, and decentralized identity removes the concerns of
centralization that violates user privacy [18]. Layering it to the
quantum domain gets rid of the quantum threats. We believe
that making blockchain quantum native and rebuilding
everything from there would be an ideal way to implement
quantum blockchains and their applications, but the current
quantum technologies do not allow us to do that. This paper
analyzes the classical-to-quantum transition from a more
realistic perspective by adopting existing technologies.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
discusses the current technologies of quantum blockchains
and blockchain-based identity. Then, in Section III, we give a
pedagogical introduction to the quantum technologies that
QBIF is layered on. With these two sections giving
background and preliminary knowledge, in Section IV, we
introduce the conceptual design of QBIF module by module.
After that, in Section V, we discuss the challenges and
limitations of QBIF. Finally, we give overall conclusions in
Section VI.
In this section, we introduce blockchains, quantum
blockchains, and blockchain-based identity applications.
A blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger that maintains
data in the form of transactions [4]. Transactions are linked by
a Merkle tree and stored in blocks chained by hash functions.
A blockchain is composed of a peer-to-peer distributed
network where each node keeps a copy of a growing chain of
blocks, and the network uses a consensus protocol to add new
blocks and agree on the sequence of these blocks.
In general, blockchain users’ (or clients) broadcasting of
transactions starts a blockchain process. A new block with the
latest transactions is made according to a particular consensus
protocol (e.g., Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Stake) [1, 2]. Several
network nodes may compete to produce the new block for
incentives in these consensus protocols. For example, in
Bitcoin, the creator (called “miner”) of a block that is
eventually accepted as a permanent part of the chain wins the
competition and is rewarded. Each new block points to a
previously created block that the creator of the new block
accepts. Thus, a block followed by the longest chain in Bitcoin
is considered final. Other blockchains use other similar
methods for consensus.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 3
As discussed, every block has a hash value and points to its
previous hash value. If one of the blocks is tampered with, all
its following blocks become invalid. Blockchain nodes discard
this tampered copy of the chain and keep working on the chain
that the majority keeps. By adding extra data to block headers
or transactions, decentralized storage can be achieved.
Together with the blockchain event triggers, smart contracts
[19] and decentralized applications have been widely
User access control in blockchains relies on public-key
cryptography. Blockchain users keep their private keys as
passwords to their accounts and use their public keys as
account numbers. Transactions usually include their
generators(e.g., payers in cryptocurrency) signatures which
are done using their private keys. Network nodes that produce
blocks verify all the new transactions by validating the
signature with the generators’ public keys and discarding
invalid ones.
Commonly used public-key cryptography methods (e.g.,
ECDSA, RSA) rely on the difficulty of factoring large
numbers. It is easy to compute the product of two large
numbers, but it is challenging to factorize a large number. On
the other hand, the reliability of hash functions mainly depends
on the difficulty of reversing a one-way function, such as
SHA-256 and MD5. It is easy to compute the hash with inputs
but hard to invert given the hash. Every different input
generates a unique hash.
However, public-key cryptography and hash functions are
exposed due to the rapid development of quantum computers.
Shor's algorithm can factorize large numbers in a polynomial
time [5], endangering public key cryptography. Grover’s
algorithm [6] and its derivatives provide methods with a high
probability of finding the input to one-way functions by brute-
force searches (
, i.e., quadratic speedups) [17].
Post-quantum blockchains and quantum blockchains have
been proposed to solve these threats. Post-quantum
blockchains replace blockchains’ current cryptography with
classical post-quantum cryptography [12]. For example, post-
quantum cryptographies have been proposed to replace
ECDSA in blockchains (i.e., classical blockchains) with
quantum attack-resistant methods [16, 20, 21]. Quantum-
secured blockchains (i.e., hybrid blockchains) have been
designed on top of quantum key distribution (QKD) networks
[22, 23]. Quantum blockchains (i.e., fully quantum
blockchains) rebuild the classical blockchains in the domains
of quantum computing [13, 15, 16]. The notion of a quantum
blockchain is generally inspired by the non-separability of
quantum entanglement. The sensitivity of data tampering (i.e.,
tampering transaction history in a block) is much stronger in
quantum blockchains than in classical blockchains. Single
tampering of a block would cause the denial of the whole
chain, which indicates a higher level of security but a potential
denial of service on a blockchain node [13]. Note that, by
tampering, we mean tampering with the blockchain historical
data, not tampering with transmission information in general,
e.g., the man-in-the-middle attack. However, man-in-the-
middle attacks can happen in every aspect of a classical
network activity (at any communication link). For example, an
attack can be implemented during a key-generation
communication or any kind of communication that may leak a
secret key. If a key is leaked or intercepted, the blockchain
account associated with that key will be compromised. In the
quantum realm, such attacks will not be applicable (c.f., QKD
in Subsection II.C).
Furthermore, a hard fork in a blockchain is another
infamous issue. It sometimes happens due to disagreements in
the blockchain community (i.e., intentional hard fork). For
example, some want to upgrade the current blockchain (e.g.,
to increase the block size limit), but others disagree. Then, a
new version of the current blockchain appears and is kept by
users who believe in it (i.e., it becomes a hard fork). On the
other hand, a hard fork happening due to technical problems
(i.e., accidental hard fork) is rare because it will eventually be
resolved by the consensus mechanism (i.e., the majority
choosing the longer chain after some subsequent blocks being
produced). Hence, a typical consensus algorithm can address
it regardless of whether it is a quantum or classical blockchain.
Decentralized identity management has been one of the most
prevalent applications of blockchains [24]. In the current
internet, we have imperfect systems for digital identities that
are kept in centralized storage. Centralized institutions or
companies must be trusted to maintain the authority of identity
authentication. Centralized identity violates user privacy and
might suffer from single-point-of-failure along with many
other centralization challenges. One data breach would cause
the leak of all confidential information. Also, user information
could be manipulated by the centralized entity for its own
Blockchain-based identity management has been proposed
to tackle the above issues [18, 25, 26, 27]. Every network node
has the same source of truth to follow in a blockchain-based
application. It replaces the centralized entity and provides
flexible identity authentication. Digital identities are created as
digital watermarks that are assigned to transactions. With a
smart contract, such identities could be used as authentication
methods for different purposes (e.g., financial and online
There are usually three roles in blockchain-based identity
management: owners, issuers, and verifiers. Issuers are trusted
parties (e.g., local governments and companies). They can
issue credentials (e.g., personal IDs and user profiles in an
application) for users (i.e., owners). Owners keep the
credentials to themselves and only provide them to third-party
entities (i.e., verifiers) to prove their statements (e.g., age,
ownership). Actual user credentials are not stored on
blockchains. Only user statements' attestations (i.e., proofs)
are kept on blockchains. For example, the proof of a user’s
date of birth may be stored on blockchains instead of the actual
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 4
date of birth. When the user provides the date of birth and the
proof, verifiers validate the issuer’s signature and decide the
genuineness of the user-provided data.
Blockchain-based identity applications have been prevalent
for years. For example, Bitnation [28], a blockchain-based
borderless voluntary nation project, has been developed to
reclaim the sovereignty of identity information and
governance services and has been working towards the vision
of world citizenship by registering identity information on the
global blockchain. ConsenSys [29] has provided decentralized
software services and applications. It has created a blockchain-
based identity system that maintains decentralized identifiers
for people, organizations, and objects on the blockchain
platform Ethereum [19]. Start-ups and big companies also
have proposed many blockchain-based identity applications,
such as Onename [30], ShoCard [31], and Ana [32]. They used
public blockchains to keep track of users’ identity attestations,
which were claimed to be invulnerable and easy to use.
Moreover, to leverage biometric authentications for
blockchain approaches, research has accentuated mobile
hardware performance, such as energy consumption and
computational delay [33, 34].
Even though blockchain-based identity approaches still rely
on the trust we hold in the identity issuers, which may escalate
into a circular trust problem when some of the issuers are
compromised, we believe decentralization does, to a certain
extent, resolve the centralized ownership of personal identities.
For example, companies and organizations will no longer own
their users’ or customers’ personal information. They only
know if their users satisfy a particular requirement. One can
choose only to reveal enough amount of their identity
attributes for verification. In other words, decentralization can
maximize the need to preserve the users’ or customers’
Quantum decentralization has been discussed for years since
the vision of quantum networks arose. QKD has been
developed using hybrid quantum-classical networks, based on
which decentralized quantum approaches (e.g., quantum
blockchains) have been developed. For example, a data
transmission protocol based on BB84, the first QKD protocol,
and distributed ledgers has been proposed [35] to maximize
the security of key transmission. Quantum computing
naturally avoids some classical attacks without extra effort.
For instance, in [36], a decentralized quantum cash system,
qBitcoin, has been proposed based on quantum teleportation,
which naturally prevents double-spend attacks. In [37], the
authors propose a quantum blockchain scheme with the
concept of a quantum coin based on quantum entanglement,
no-cloning theorem, and a delegated proof of stake consensus
protocol. In [38], a decentralized base-graph routing protocol
has been defined based on quantum repeater networks. It
allows finding the shortest paths in quantum networks using
only the local knowledge of the network nodes. Other methods
of adapting quantum technologies to different blockchain
components and their advantages in a quantum setting have
also been explored [15, 16, 17, 39].
There are various quantum approaches to achieving
genuine authentication, such as quantum fingerprinting [40]
and single-photon authentication [41]. An authenticator can
determine whether a quantum identity matches a real one in
multiple ways. For example, the quantum fingerprint is
analogous to the classical digital fingerprint that associates a
long string (an original string) with a much shorter string (its
fingerprint), such that any two different long strings can be
distinguished by only comparing their fingerprints.
However, there is no existing research on authentication
applications based on quantum blockchain technology. As
quantum computers are threatening the classical approaches,
these applications need a way to adapt to the new challenges
in the quantum era. Access control and authentication issues
should be solved before decentralized quantum applications
can be achieved. This article explores the feasibility of
migrating the classical blockchain-based identity framework
to quantum blockchains and proposes a conceptual design.
In this section, we introduce and review the preliminaries
about the technologies that QBIF is based on. Table I gives the
common symbols used in this article.
We use a Greek letter inside the braket notation to
represent a quantum state. A quantum state could be
multiple qubits or one qubit (e.g., !"
$ !%%
The Pauli gates (the basis gates commonly used for
quantum operations) and the identity gate
. Quantum
gates can be expressed as complex matrices.
& $
% ,
, %
( $
% ./
/ %
) $
, %
% .,
* $
, %
% ,
-. A symbol in a rectangle represents a gate in a
quantum circuit (See Figure 1 for examples).
A controlled-not gate. It applies
gate to the target
qubit if the control qubit is in state
. In a quantum
circuit, it is represented by a dot connecting an
(see Figure 1). The qubit associated with the dot is the
control qubit. The qubit with the
gate is the target
Quantum operations, including quantum circuits,
oracles, and measurements (4), are represented as
uppercase italic letters. A measurement of a quantum
state yields a classical result.
A quantum circuit used to prepare a quantum state with
100% amplitude on a classical sequence of bits ".
(e.g., 2
$ 6&7*8!%%
$ !,%
). A quantum
circuit is a sequence of quantum logic gates (e.g., Pauli
gates) to operate on quantum states, analogous to
classical logic gates for classical digital circuits.
An oracle (or a quantum transformation). An oracle is a
function to transform one quantum state into another,
often a “black boxfunction. The subscript ;
represents a classical function ;
<=% ',>
? =%',>
(e.g., the constant oracle and the balanced oracle in
Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm [42] where @ $ ,). Note
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 5
that in a quantum system, applying a function to a state
is simply the matrix multiplication of the function (a
matrix, e.g.,
) and the state (a vector, e.g.,
), so we
usually just write
instead of
A quantum state consisting of the classical output of ;
with the inputs of " and A.
A quantum state part with its amplitude. In general, the
measurements of quantum states are probabilistic. The
square of the coefficient (amplitude) indicates the
probability of the measurement result being the bits
inside that braket (e.g., 0 or 00). Note that these two
symbols are not complete unless B $ , and C $ ,.
For B!%
, the probability of the measurement result
being 0 is B
. For C!%%
, the probability of the
measurement result (two qubits) being 00 is C
. If all
the possible measurement results are concatenated by
D” signs (e.g., B
D 0E
D 0C!,%
D 0F!,,
), all
probabilities would be listed in the equation and B
$ ,.
A quantum bit (qubit) is the elementary unit of quantum
information analogous to a bit in classical computers. While
a bit has an exact value of either 0 or 1, a qubit could be in a
linear superposition of both values. A qubit is usually
expressed as a linear combination of
with their
corresponding amplitudes/possibilities (or a unit vector in a
complex Hilbert space):
+ ,
- .&)
+ ",/.%
. (1)
are the amplitudes of
. They
suffice if
- &.&
+ )
are the probabilities
will be measured as
, respectively. A
quantum state can be expressed with a single qubit or multiple
are the basis states in the computational
basis. Each state preserves a probability distribution of all the
measurement outcomes. For example, a 2-qubit state can be
expressed as
+ ,
- .
- 0
- 1&))
Quantum gates do operations on quantum states. Quantum
gates to quantum states are like Boolean operators (bitwise
operators) to bit strings. Quantum states are mathematically
expressed as complex vectors (e.g.,
) and quantum
gates are expressed as complex matrices (e.g., the Pauli gates
). It has been proven that any quantum gate can be
expressed as a weighted sum of the Pauli gates (
which is a common form to express gates. Assume every
initial qubit is in the state of
. Applying
gate to the
second qubit of a 2-qubit state can be expressed as
+ 74
+ &')
. Operations between quantum
states and gates are matrix multiplication. For example,
gate to
can be expressed as the matrix
multiplication of
and state vector
' )
) '
+ &)
. Operations between gates and
gates (or states and states) are tensor products. For example,
+ &')
. Note that, for
simplicity, these notations are equivalent:
A quantum circuit is a complete operation for a particular
purpose, which usually contains a sequence of quantum gates
and measurement operators. Figure 1 shows an example
quantum circuit that achieves quantum teleportation with
three qubits. Solid lines are quantum wires, and double lines
are classical wires.
is a quantum gate called Hadamard
that maps the basis states (i.e.,
considering one
qubit) to uniform superposition. A uniform superposition
describes a state when it has evenly distributed amplitudes
on all its possible terms (e.g., considering one qubit in (1),
, +
. +
). A meter in a rectangle (the two
rectangles after
in Figure 1 represent a measurement
with classical wires (on the right of
Figure 1 are classically controlled gates that use classical bits
(measurement results of the top and middle qubits) as control
bits to determine whether to apply the
gate to the
bottom qubit.
A quantum teleportation circuit.
The information encoded in a quantum state can be
transmitted (actually teleported) to a remote party through
entanglement. Entanglement is a quantum effect in which
qubits are intrinsically linked even when long distances
separate them. This kind of information transmission is
called quantum teleportation.
It is called teleportation because photons are not really
transmitted in this process. Still, the information is received.
Unfortunately, the information at the sender’s side is
destroyed after the process. For example, for teleportation
from Alice (the sender) to Bob (the receiver), only the state
amplitudes are shuttled to Bob’s state from Alice’s. Alice’s
state information is destroyed (original amplitudes are lost)
after the teleportation due to a measurement in the process.
The process of quantum teleportation can be simply
described as follow (together with Figure 1):
1) Before the transmission, Alice and Bob create an
entangled qubit pair together, either through a third
party or themselves (i.e., operations before
Figure 1 creates an entangled pair for the middle and
bottom states). Alice and Bob each take one qubit
from the pair. Suppose Alice takes the middle qubit
and Bob takes the bottom qubit. The top qubit
represents the state that Alice wants to transmit. Note
that the top qubit can be in any arbitrary unknown
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 6
2) Alice performs the controlled-not gate
gates to her two qubits, as shown in Figure 1 (between
3) Alice measures her two states (the two meter symbols
in Figure 1).
4) After measurement, Alice sends her results to Bob
over a classical communication channel (the double
lines in Figure 1).
5) Bob then chooses to perform
gates (or not)
according to Alice’s results to transform his qubit to
the state that the top qubit was in. For example, Bob
should apply
gate to his qubit (the bottom qubit) if
the measurement result of Alice’s middle qubit is one;
otherwise, do nothing. Similarly, he should apply
gate to his qubit if the measurement result of the
Alice’s top qubit is one. After these operations, the
bottom quit will have the same amplitudes that the top
qubit was in.
Current quantum communication and networks are mostly
based on quantum teleportation. Recent studies have shown
teleportation of quantum states with over 90% fidelity [43].
Fidelity describes the quality of teleportation, that is, how
close the teleported qubit is to the original. There are also
other researches enabling quantum state transmission. For
example, Bennett et al. proposed a quantum communication
method called remote state preparation (RSP) [44] based on
quantum teleportation. The communication of RSP encodes
one bit per qubit, by which a transmission of quantum
information (a known state transmission) is realizable.
However, Alice and Bob can also communicate over
classical channels and remake the state at Bob’s side directly
if they want to transmit a known state. Even though robust
quantum teleportation implementations are still under
exploration, they inspire the vision of a quantum network and
the quantum internet. Furthermore, in literature, a network
constituted by QKD is also envisioned as an early stage of a
quantum network.
It is worth noting that a peer-to-peer quantum network is
assumed in almost all quantum blockchain discussions,
including this article. In other words, a private (direct or
indirect) quantum channel is assumed to be established
between all pairs of the network nodes. Such assumptions
have been commonly used as a way of reasoning for quantum
networks and protocols [13, 45].
A user in a PKI has two types of keys: a public key that can be
shared with anyone and a private key that is only kept by the
user. The public key and private key are always in a pair. A
public key can be used to encrypt a message, and only the
corresponding private key can be used to decrypt it. For
example, when Alice wants to send a secret message to Bob,
Alice can use Bob’s public key to encrypt the message and
send it to him. Then, only Bob, who has the private key, can
decrypt the message and see the plain text. Moreover, a private
key can also be used to sign a message for non-repudiation.
For example, when Alice wants to prove that she is the sender
of a message, she uses her private key to sign the message
before publishing it. Then, anyone with Alice’s public key can
verify the source of the message by matching it.
PKI is widely used to authenticate network activities (e.g.,
SSH, HTTPS, blockchains, digital identities). For identity
management, it is used to generate a unique digital identity for
a user by binding the user information (e.g., username, ID)
with a public key. The binding is usually established by a
certificate authority (CA) through the registration or sign-up
process. Moreover, by signing with the user’s private key, a
user can prove the ownership of a message. By signing with a
CA’s private key, a CA can issue a statement (e.g., an
attestation about an identity).
Technically, PKI is based on one-way functions, typically
trapdoor functions. A trapdoor function, say,
, is a
function that, when given
and the secret
, it is easy to
calculate the variable
. Without the secret
, it would be
extremely difficult or impossible to get
. RSA is one well-
known example that is based on trapdoor functions. Since the
classical trapdoor functions are endangered by the
development of quantum computers and algorithms (e.g.,
Shor’s algorithm [5] and Grover’s algorithm [6]), quantum-
enhanced trapdoor functions have been proposed, which led to
the development of quantum PKIs. They use different types of
keys by design (e.g., quantum keys in the form of quantum
states or classical keys that consist of classical sequences of
Either with quantum keys or classical keys, the encryption
and signature schemes for quantum states enable quantum
PKIs. For example, in [46], quantum keys based on a quantum
one-time pad are used to encrypt quantum states. Moreover, a
symmetric-key encryption scheme (where the keys for
encryption and decryption are the same) for quantum states
(called private quantum channels) has been developed by
using a pre-shared single use secret key (also referred to as
one-time pad) [47]. It constructs a private communication of
quantum states on an insecure one-way quantum channel
(using a
-bit classical key to securely transmit
[47]. Such private channels enable asymmetric-key encryption
and, thus, quantum PKIs. For instance, in [22], a one-way
quantum identity authentication has been developed to encrypt
quantum states with classical keys. In [48], public-key
encryption and authentication have been developed using
quantum public and classical private keys.
Here, we briefly review the quantum PKI schemes
presented in [48, 49] for quantum-state encryption, signature,
and authentication. The notations introduced here will be re-
used for our conceptual design of QBIF presented in Section
IV. The schemes are based on trapdoor one-way quantum
transformations (OWQT) [48, 49]. Trapdoor OWQT is a
quantum variant of a classical trapdoor function. The
following paragraphs explain how the public and private keys
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 7
are made based on a trapdoor OWQT and how they are used
for quantum encryption, signature, and authentication.
Public-key encryption: The definition of the trapdoor
[49] can be represented as (see Figure 2)
% + &B
. (2)
is a classical trapdoor one-way function with
a random parameter
is another classical function.
is an initial qubit. Particularly,
, and
constitute a further trapdoor function as a whole, say,
is then used to implement the quantum trapdoor
should satisfy:
easy-to-operate: given a random parameter
as the
trapdoor of
, both
can be computed efficiently;
hard-to-invert: given the values of
, both
cannot be efficiently computed;
easy-to-invert with the trapdoor: there exists a trapdoor
(secret information)
for the trapdoor function (the
trapdoor OWQT
). Given the trapdoor
, the
can be efficiently computed from
, and
can be efficiently computed from
In other words, with secret
, it is easy to compute
(2) but extremely difficult otherwise (i.e., one-way function).
Suppose we have found such function
and we now
want to use it to implement the trapdoor OWQT
as a
quantum circuit. As shown in Figure 2, we can implement it
by translating
to three oracles
[49]. By cascading the three oracles, we get the
quantum circuit for the trapdoor OWQT
The general quantum circuit for a trapdoor OWQT.
With the trapdoor function OWQT
, the functions
are public. They can be prepared by the receiver so that
only the receiver has the trapdoor
. Thus, the functions of
can be considered as the receiver’s public key (or the
tools to create public keys) and the trapdoor
as the receiver’s
private key. With these key generation processes, encryption
and decryption of a quantum state
can be done as follow:
1) Bob finds a trapdoor function
and announces its
as a public key. He keeps the
to himself.
2) Alice wants to send an encrypted quantum message
that only Bob can read. She generates a
according to Bob’s public key.
3) Alice adds the parameter
and two initial qubits to
and gets
4) Alice encrypts
by the
(2) and
obtains the ciphertext:
5) Alice sends the ciphertext to Bob.
6) Bob decrypts the ciphertext with
There are two cases of decryption [49]. Here, we directly
show the decryption transformation as
+ &?
. (3)
Signature: Even though we have the public key and
private key pair, the quantum digital signature is unlike the
classical digital signature. Classically, we can sign a message
and send it out. Anyone with our public key can verify the
message’s source without our intervention. However, the
quantum signature process introduced here is an interactive
digital signature protocol.
Suppose Alice has a trapdoor function
, consisting of
(2). Here, we represent the variables as bit strings:
+, -
+ F'/)G
, where
+, -
is a bit string of
H - I
J F'/)G
bits) and
J F'/)G
bits). Similarly,
consists of
J F'/)G
. That is:
+ FB
. (4)
denotes the concatenation of two bit-strings,
. As discussed,
can be considered a public key. In
this case, Alice has the private key (the trapdoor, say,
The process to sign
and verify the signature is as follows:
1) Bob generates
J F'/)G
2) Alice generates
J F'/)G
randomly and receives
from Bob. Now Alice has
and the trapdoor
can be used to compute the inverse of
+ "B
. Alice then signs the quantum
and function
(i.e., prepared as
) as in (5) and sends it.
+ &*
. (5)
Q denotes a state prepared with
- I
number of
. For example,
is short for
3) Bob notifies Alice of the receipt of the quantum
4) Alice announces
5) To verify the signature, Bob computes
public) and checks if the first
bits (of
) are
. If yes, it proves Alice has the trapdoor
. Bob
then performs the transformation as in (6) to obtain the
message (
are known to Bob by this step).
S &*
Q. (6)
Finally, Bob accepts the signature only if the last
- I
qubits are all in state
belongs to Alice). Any signature
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 8
that uses
to generate
without the interactive
process would be invalid. Note that this signature protocol
does not support multiple verifications. The signed quantum
is invalid after the quantum message
is extracted. Therefore, this kind of signature can only be
validated once. However, it is possible to obtain a local copy
of the signed quantum state (a known state) [50]. The
verification then only invalidates the local copy.
Usage: It is worth noting that to construct a complete user
account, the quantum PKI is used differently in quantum
blockchains than in classical computing. The access control
in quantum blockchains (i.e., ownership of an on-chain state)
is assured by interactive signatures on the index of an on-
chain state (Section IV). Nonetheless, it is also important for
the processes of identity attestation and authentication of
QBIF (Section IV). There are many more researches on
quantum PKI [46, 47, 48, 49]. For simplicity, Equations (2),
(3), (5), and (6) are used in this article to respectively
represent quantum public-key encryption, decryption,
quantum signature, and signature verification.
A quantum blockchain can be constructed by a chain of non-
tempering and traceable quantum states. Based on quantum
entanglement in time, we briefly introduce the scheme of
quantum blockchains in [13] as an example. Note that this is
a highly simplified version of the classical blockchain. One
quantum state constitutes one block. In other words, this
design assumes one transaction per block.
Before going to the chain of quantum states, we briefly
explain quantum entanglement. The notion of a temper-free
chain is inspired by the non-separability of a quantum system
(entanglement). Quantum entanglement in time can be
viewed as a temporal quantum effect where states are
interdependent across time.
If two qubits are entangled, their measurement outcomes
are correlated. If we measure one of the qubits, the other
qubit instantly collapses into a definite state and would yield
a correlated outcome. For example, the entanglement of the
Bell states
may be such that the measurement
result of
is exactly the same as the measurement result of
. The measurement outcome of them is random, either
both being 0 (
) or both being 1 (
). Each outcome has
a 50% chance.
+ &>T
. (8)
It is also possible for two Bell states
to be
entangled such that the measurement result has a 50:50
chance of being
Multipartite GHZ (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger) states
generalize the qubit entanglement to achieve multi-qubit
entanglement, in which all the involved states are entangled
with each other [51, 52].
Going back to the chain of quantum states, multi-qubit
entangled states can be recursively added into a growing
chain in chronological order by entanglements in time [13,
53]. This chain of quantum states can be used to constitute a
primitive quantum blockchain. For simplicity, a 2-bit string
is used here to represent the data in a block (it can be
extended to larger bit strings by multi-qubit entanglement,
but still, it depends on the maximum qubit a quantum
computer can support). Here, we prepare them into a
temporal Bell state:
Q is the negation of
. Now we can create the next
temporal Bell state (next block) entangled in time with this
state. These two Bell states do not actually coexist, but the
second Bell state is correlated with the first one (i.e., the
current state is correlated with its previous existing state).
Such states were physically generated in the experiment
introduced in [53]. Adding subsequent states to them forms
a chain of Bell states in chronological order.
Now we add timestamps. A delay line of time
is applied
to each Bell state’s creation. Each state is marked by its
creation time, which becomes the block’s timestamp. Let the
creation time of the first Bell state (genesis block) be
X + '
and the time of the next state (next block) be
X + W
. The
genesis block and the next block can be fused into a four-
photon GHZ state:
. (10)
is the genesis block’s timestamp, and
is the second
block’s timestamp. Recursively, the blocks become a chain
of entangled states (a non-tempering and traceable history of
a state). At
X J F'/W/@W/Y/$WG
, the chain of quantum states
can be represented as
<B(B( B "(B "(B :(DB
. (11)
Each pair of
\ J
is a block.
is the 2-bit data in a block. The
represent the block timestamps. For example,
suppose the first two blocks contain bit strings 00 and 10,
and the first and second blocks are
respectively. With two blocks, the chain is
<B(B( B "(
Adding a third block with value
<B(B( B "(B "(B :(
It is worth noting that entanglement in time is distinct from
the more commonly used space-based entanglement [54] in
which photons in different locations are entangled. The
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 9
entanglement in time can be viewed as a quantum networked
time machine [13].
Besides using GHZ states, quantum blockchains with
other kinds of states have also been experimented with. For
example, Banerjee et al. create a chain of quantum states
using multiparty entanglement of quantum weighted
hypergraph states [55]. Bennet et al. propose a quantum-
enabled blockchain architecture using quantum information
encoded in light (quantum states of light) [56]. Theoretically,
the chain of hypergraph states or quantum states of light can
also be used in place of the chain of GHZ states and become
the data structure of a quantum blockchain using
entanglement in time.
Obviously, currently implementable block size and
potential chain size are not comparable with the classical
blockchains. However, as quantum technologies develop, we
believe quantum blockchains can be extended. More
limitations and challenges of quantum decentralization are
introduced in Section V.
In a quantum blockchain, each blockchain node hosts a copy
of the chain of quantum states represented in (11). Thus, a
consensus protocol is needed to add new blocks securely. It
should be able to verify the correctness of the newly added
blocks and seek an agreement from all nodes on the validity
and sequence of these new blocks. θ-protocol [45] and
quantum random number generator (QRNG) have been
proposed to solve such problems. QRNG guarantees the true
random selection of a verifier node. True randomness assures
fairness and thus should be agreed upon among nodes. The
selected verifier node is then responsible for performing a
verification test of the new block and adding it to the chain.
θ-protocol is then executed to ‘broadcast’ the new block to
other parties. In other words, nodes in the blockchain agree
on the true randomness instead of solving a cryptographic
puzzle or staking coins (e.g., Proof-of-work, Proof-of-
Stake). This is similar to leader-based consensus protocols
[57]. The fundamental probabilistic property of quantum
mechanics gives QRNG the ability to create true
randomness, which can be clearly modelized and controlled
for perpetual unpredictable randomness, contrary to the
predictable randomness generated by classical deterministic
processes such as pseudo-random number generators
Note that the QRNG machine today may have statistical
biases due to noisy quantum hardware and is not realistic for
use. We assume such bias can be tackled in the future.
Nonetheless, the instantly produced randomness may not be
able to guarantee simultaneous additions of new blocks. A
complete scheme of consensus mechanisms for quantum
blockchains is still under exploration [23, 45]. After the
verifier (block producer) selection, the verifier node initiates
the verification test (e.g., θ-protocol), which allows each
node in the network to verify if a source is distributing a
correct state, even in the presence of untrusted nodes. The
verifier node finally adds the new block to its local quantum
blockchain copy and broadcasts the addition. There are still
many limitations to the implementation of quantum
broadcasting. More details about broadcasting can be found
in Section V. Based on QRNG and θ-protocol, we achieve a
primitive consensus process for QBIF, which is discussed
The vision of QBIF is to achieve secure pseudonymization,
which preserves privacy and prevents forgery. Users control
their own identities and use them without revealing
unnecessary information (self-sovereign identities). At the
same time, identities are secure and genuine under a
decentralized quantum setting. In this section, we introduce
various aspects of the architecture of QBIF: roles, quantum
identity attestations, quantum blockchains, authentication,
and consensus protocols.
In this article, identityincludes the user’s unique id (e.g.,
username, social security number), attributes (pieces of
information about the user’s identity, e.g., name, age,
balance, address), and attestations (proofs of user statements
about attributes, e.g., birthyear == 1999, income >
50,000’). We also use public credentialto refer to a user’s
public identity information (unique id and attestations).
Identity attributes are private to users (owners). Attribute-
based identity authentication, which verifies identity
attributes without revealing additional information, is a
prevalent way to authenticate users with anonymity
(pseudonymization) [58, 59].
Users can prove that they satisfy the conditions set by
identity verifiers without revealing their actual identity
information. Identity verifiers authenticate users by verifying
the issuers’ signatures on the attestations. For example, a
bank may loan money only to users whose annual incomes
exceed $50,000. When the bank (verifier) evaluates a user’s
financial information for a loan request, the bank can verify
the user’s annual income by checking the signature on the
user’s attestation without looking at the user’s actual income
number. Keeping attestations on a blockchain ensures their
authenticity. Identity attributes are private to owners.
Decentralized identity removes the concerns of privacy
violation and single-point-of-failure.
As in the classical approach, there are three roles in QBIF:
identity owners, identity issuers, and identity verifiers.
Identity issuers represent trusted parties such as local
governments or big companies. Issuers issue identities such
as personal IDs or user profiles in an application/software.
They also attest (not issue) the validity of identity attributes
and issue attestations. For example, a bank only issues
attestations about users’ financial information. An attestation
process is started on the user’s demand and finished by an
issuer. The reliability of an attestation depends on the
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 10
reputation of the issuer. Only attestations are stored on
blockchains. Ownership is marked by double signatures, as
discussed in Subsection E. Users keep their identities at
discretion (preferably privately) and use only the on-chain
attestations to prove statements about their identity attributes
to verifiers. The verifiers provide services according to the
reputation of the issuers who attested the identity statements.
In QBIF, attestations are kept in the form of quantum states
and are chained together by entanglement. These are called
quantum identity attestations (QIAs). Issuers do the generation
of QIA. Verifiers on user’s demand do authentication of QIA.
Identity owners (users) who want authorized actions from
verifiers must go through authentication and attestation
processes if they have not done that with the issuers.
Attestations are evidence about users identity statements.
They could be in any form (e.g., hash values, encrypted
messages, or bit strings). Here, we assume to keep them in
bit strings for simplicity. QIAs in QBIF are quantum states
containing such bit strings, which could be created by
converting them into qubits [60, 61]. Nonetheless, one user
can have multiple QIAs (for different identity attributes). Let
be the bit string of attestation that consists of
bits; then,
a QIA can be represented as
A QIA should be double-signed (by the owner and the
issuer) before use, and a signed QIA can be represented as
as indicated in (13). Signatures are interactively done
between an owner and an issuer (signed with private keys
from both parties) as discussed in Section III.C.
$ -
@"$ - _%
qubits after double-sign, where
is the length of
is the output length of
defined in (4).
R + &*
Q. (13)
The superscripts indicate which party (
: user,
: issuer)
belongs to. A QIA is prepared by an issuer per user
request in the attestation process. QIAs are double-signed (as
) and are kept in the chain of quantum states. Signing
with the issuer’s private key indicates that the issuer agrees
with the user’s attested statement. Signing with the user’s
private key demonstrates the ownership of the attestation. No
trusted centralized storage is needed.
We assume a quantum network and achieve decentralization
over quantum blockchains. QBIF provides distributed
identity management and a primitive consensus protocol for
coordinating network nodes (consisting of users, issuers, and
verifiers). Nodes are interconnected by quantum
communication channels. As shown in Figure 3, each party
keeps a copy of the chain of quantum states that holds the
signed QIAs chronologically. The list of signed QIAs is kept
on the chain in the form shown in (11).
Issuers and verifiers are candidates for block producers
(e.g., miners on proof-of-work blockchains). The owner of a
QIA and the issuer must double-sign the QIA before it goes
into the block pool, i.e., candidate blocks to be attached to
the chain. Block producers add these blocks to the chain after
a consensus process (Section IV.D). The ownership of the
signed QIA is demonstrated by the owner’s signature, and
the validity of the QIA is marked by the issuer’s signature.
As discussed, the signature could only be done by an
interactive signature process. Any QIA signed without the
consent of both parties is invalid and does not pass the
consensus process.
Once a QIA is put on the chain, the owner can initiate an
action with a verifier by sending the location of the signed
QIA on the blockchain. The verifier determines the
authenticity of the QIA by validating the signed QIA with
the user’s and the issuer’s public keys. No additional
knowledge of personal identity is needed during the
Roles and interactions on QBIF.
Note that the level of validity for an attestation can be
defined by an issuer so that a user can meet whatever level a
verifier may require. The level of validity can be determined
by way of issuance or attestation, such as verifying in person,
with biometric readers, via password, online, etc. The level
of validity can be integrated into QIAs by adding extra qubits
describing the level.
Since we are dealing with a primitive quantum blockchain
structure, there are no sophisticated event triggers such as
those used in smart contracts in classical blockchain-based
applications. Thus, part of the communication would be off-
chain, such as the online verification mentioned above. A
hybrid network of classical and quantum communications
would be the most plausible transition from classical internet
to quantum internet as quantum technology develops. QKD is
one good example.
In QBIF, quantum PKI and quantum blockchain processes
are executed on quantum communication channels. Other
interactions, such as off-chain attestations and agreements, are
kept on classical channels. As shown in Figure 4, the network
of QBIF is composed of multiple quantum nodes connected
via a quantum network in a peer-to-peer fashion. The classical
channels are neglected in the figure but coexist with the
quantum channels. Each node is a quantum system hosting a
copy of the quantum blockchain, combined with a classical
system dealing with off-chain communications.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 11
A QBIF network.
As discussed earlier, consensus protocols of a quantum
blockchain are primitive due to the difficulty of implementing
block producers' election (or competition). The most prevalent
consensus protocols for classical blockchains are Proof-of-
work (mining) in Bitcoin or Proof-of-stake (voting) in
Ethereum. Here, we propose to use QRNG and distributed
verification tests (e.g., θ-protocol) to emulate an initial
consensus protocol for quantum blockchains. QRNG
guarantees true randomness in selecting a block producer
(who is also responsible for validating a new block). Here, the
true randomness of QRNG replaces the fair
competition/election provided by Proof-of-work or Proof-of-
stake. The selected block producer then executes a distributed
verification test to validate the newly added GHZ state (the
new block). The distributed verification process keeps the
quantum system validated even with untrusted network nodes
[45]. Once the verification tests are done, the new block is
added to the blockchain. Then, the new chain is broadcasted
to all network nodes. Together with Figure 5, the following
steps describe the consensus process of QBIF:
1) By now, a double-signed QIA (
) has been created by
an issuer and a user.
is waiting to be added to the
blockchain. The issuer of
initiates the consensus
process and activates a QRNG to randomly select a
blockchain producer among the candidates.
2) A candidate is selected by the QRNG. If the candidate
is unavailable, the QRNG is executed again until an
available candidate is selected. We assume the selected
candidate is trustworthy (i.e., candidates are trusted).
Suppose the 3
node in Figure 5 is available and is
selected. It then takes the role of block producer and
initiates the distributed verification. For example, in
[45], a pass condition and a set of random angles
are defined in advance,
d J F)/@/UU/$G
represents the measurement basis of node j, and the
verification runs until all the network nodes satisfy the
pass condition. For an ideal GHZ state, the verification
will succeed theoretically with 100% probability.
However, this probability is varied according to
entanglement fidelity.
is accepted only when the
majority of nodes pass the condition [45].
3) Once we have a valid
, the block producer then fuses
into a four-photon GHZ state with the latest on-
chain state (11), which adds
to its local copy of the
QIA chain.
4) Then, the block producer broadcasts’
to all
network nodes. Note that the verification protocol in
[45] involves more than merely implementing
verification tests. It also links the outcome of the
verification tests, the validated state, to the target state.
In other words, the newly added block has also been
copied and distributed to all other network nodes during
the verification tests. This distribution of the new block
remedies the broadcasting limitations of quantum
networks. This is discussed further in Section V.
A consensus process.
Identity attestation and authentication are two critical
processes of QBIF. The attestation process produces QIAs,
and the authentication process uses QIAs. In Figures 6 and
7, dashed arrow lines refer to classical communication
channels, and solid arrow lines represent quantum channels.
Attestation process: The attestation process is completed
by collaboration between the user and an issuer. This process
creates QIAs and makes interactive signatures. Figure 6 shows
a step-by-step attestation process. Together with Figure 6, the
following steps describe the identity attestation process:
1) A user initiates the process by requesting an identity
attestation. The user defines the statements about the
identity attributes (e.g., income > 50,000). The issuer
validates the user’s identity attributes. This step can be
done over a classical communication channel.
2) The issuer prepares the QIA
(12) and sends it to the
user over a quantum communication channel.
3) The user receives
and starts the interactive signature
(as discussed in Subsection 3.3) with the issuer.
first interactively signed with the user’s private key and
then with the issuer’s private key (13). The interactive
signatures prove the ownership and the validity of the
QIA. After
is signed from both sides,
is ready.
4) The issuer initiates the consensus process by activating
the QRNG.
5) The selected block producer starts the distributed
verification tests. If the tests are passed,
is added to
the QIA chain and is broadcasted to the network.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 12
6) The block producer sends the location
in the
blockchain to the user using a classical communication
channel. Since there is no available decentralized
identifier (DID) to identify users in QBIF (which is
generally used by blockchain-based identity), the user
keeps the signed QIA's location. It is shown to the
verifier in the authentication process and used to localize
the user’s signed QIA. The user can claim ownership of
this signed QIA by private key.
An attestation process.
Authentication process: The authentication process
happens between a user and a verifier when the user requests
an authorized action. It requires a signed on-chain QIA
corresponding to the action’s requirements. The verifier
extracts the signed QIA and uses it to authenticate the user.
As shown in Figure 7, the following steps describe the
authentication process:
1) A user requests an authorized action provided by a
verifier, which initiates the authentication process. The
verifier verifies whether the user satisfies the
requirement (e.g., if the user’s annual income exceeds
$50,000 when applying for a loan).
2) The user interactively signs the QIA location
Q) with the verifier using the same
private key as the one used for signing the QIA and then
sends it to the verifier. This signature of location
proves the user’s ownership of the private key used to
sign the QIA. As discussed in Subsection III.C, only an
interactive signature process can guarantee a signature's
validity (not someone pretending to own this signature).
Therefore, the user must interactively sign and send the
QIA location to the verifier through a quantum channel.
3) The user announces his/her public key if necessary.
4) The verifier extracts the identity location
to (6). By
, the verifier finds and obtains the signed
5) The verifier verifies the signatures of
with the
issuer and the user’s public key. If the signature is valid,
the verifier uses
to determine the authentication
result. Based on (6) and (13), the extraction and
verification of
is described in Algorithm 1.
6) If the process succeeds, the verifier makes authenticated
communications with the user (Section III.C) and
proceeds with the requested service. (e.g., the verifier
successfully verifies that the user’s income exceeds
$50,000 and proceeds with the subsequent loan
application procedures.)
Algorithm 1. Extract and verify a QIA
Quantum transformation: 9
Input: !"
0!;6GH 'A
' A
An authentication process.
The security of QBIF is mainly based on the quantum
trapdoor one-way functions (2) and the secure nature of
quantum physics (“unconditional security”). Here, we
discuss the security aspects of QBIF:
Quantum-proof: As discussed, classical blockchains'
security is vulnerable to quantum computing. Quantum
blockchains are immune to any notable quantum and
classical attack.
Data integrity: Classical blockchains use hash functions
to chain blocks (and Merkle trees to organize transactions)
and thus are sensitive to data tampering. If a random on-
chain block is tampered with, all its following blocks become
invalid because each block points to its previous block. The
link of hash values is broken from the tampered block to the
latest block. For quantum blockchains, such sensitivity has
been kept and amplified by entanglement. One change to a
single block could demolish the whole copy of the state chain
[13, 24].
Anti-spoofing: Assume that an attacker wants to perform
a spoofing attack, masquerading as a user to claim the user’s
on-chain attestations. The attacker’s goal is to pass an
authentication process fraudulently. Suppose the attacker has
infiltrated the quantum channel between the user and the
1: #Superscript denotation: (!: user, ": issuer, !#$: QIA location).
3: #Extract %&'( by the issuer’s public key
4: %&'
) %&'*%+
/' *%+
,&- +
/0 1 %&'*%+
6: #Extract %&'*%+
/'*%2' by the user’s public key
7: ,.
/ ) +,.
8: if .
)) .
/'*%2'- "56 78
9: then
11: #Extract %5:'*%;,5:- .
/0 by the user’s public key and verify signatures
12: %5:'*%;,5:- .
/0*1 %5:'*%2'
13: <.
= ) +,.
14: if .
)) .
)) .
15: then
17: %&'*%+
/'*%2' 1 %&'*%+
/' 1 %&'*%2' 1 %&'
18: return %&' #Succeed
20: end if
22: end if
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 13
verifier (Steps 2 and 3 in Figure 7). The attacker can now
intercept the communication of the QIA location. However,
the attacker still needs to interactively sign it with the
verifier. If the attacker uses his/her own private key and
sends his/her public key, the verifier is not able to extract the
signed QIA by this public key and
(5) (6).
of the
signed QIA location is not the same as
of the signed
Privacy: On-chain attestations are proofs of statements
about users’ identity attributes without actual identity
information (pseudonymization). Such granular statements
would not reveal much information, even if leaked.
Pseudonymization protects privacy through the non-
correlation principles [58].
Quantum blockchains are naturally immune to quantum
attacks on classical algorithms. It is exciting to see the
possibility of layering blockchains on a quantum system,
even though it is not pure quantum (but a hybrid with
classical systems). In the QBIF conceptual design, every
preliminary technology has been explicitly shown to be
experimentally realizable, even though some are only in their
simplest form. The proposed conceptual design does not yet
meet immediate deployment requirements, but it shows a
visible path toward realizing a decentralized quantum
application. Nonetheless, many challenges and limitations of
quantum approaches are inevitable at this stage. We discuss
the main challenges and limitations of QBIF next.
QBIF and most quantum blockchains lack low-level
specifics, which would contribute to the detailed
implementation of their essential components.
Implementations of many quantum technologies are still
varying and require much further experimentation. Quantum
blockchains are still in their very early phase. Quantum
systems are mostly implemented in simulators or quantum
computers with limited resources. It would not add much
value to the work at this stage by introducing implementation
The development of quantum computers has been rapid in
recent years. However, it still needs a significant time before
it can support large or medium-scale computation (and
connection). Current quantum computers are extremely
sensitive to interactions; thus, their computation results
usually have much noise. Besides, quantum states tend to
gradually disintegrate due to quantum decoherence, which
demands quantum error-correction [62]. State discrimination
strategies must be applied to fine-tune the trade-offs between
error rate and information gain [63]. In terms of
authentication, the validation of a whole process would be
determined or significantly influenced by the quantum bit
error rate [22, 41].
The ability to distribute entangled states to network nodes is
significant for a decentralized quantum network. Theoretical
analyses on point-to-point quantum communication have
constantly been progressing. Quantum repeaters make
possible long-distance quantum communications over
bipartite quantum channels. However, point-to-point
communication is not enough for a sophisticated network. A
quantum broadcast network would be able to distribute
entangled qubits efficiently. Current quantum broadcast
networks are usually accomplished with the assistance of
classical communications [64]. The upper and lower bounds
of quantum broadcast networks are still limited [65], and a
complex network typically introduces more noise and losses.
There are still many open problems with quantum
entanglement in time [13, 66, 67]. Entanglement in time is
based on entangled history theory, which is a substantial
modification of the decoherent history theory (or consistent
history theory). Entanglement in time shares similar
properties with the general entanglement in space [54], but
temporal quantum effects might be highly unstable as time
Previous blocks on quantum blockchains based on
entanglement in time are physically no longer existent.
Blocks do not simultaneously coexist. It is only natural to
retrieve the latest block. Previous on-chain states are hard to
access. However, it is possible to transfer the past quantum
correlation between quantum states so that past states can be
obtained, even if they do not coexist simultaneously [50].
Moreover, quantum logic is inherently reversible; thus,
propagating back in time to a previous block will unentangle
qubits and potentially destroy the chain. Fortunately, through
the consensus process, we have many copies of the chain on
the blockchain nodes. Hence, the system is feasible as long
as the majority of the blockchain nodes still keep the copies.
How to make the system more sustainable than this remains
future work.
Network overhead is significantly increased since signatures
are done interactively between two parties. Signature
processes are common in blockchains. Moreover, many
quantum signatures can only be validated once. This would
significantly increase the number of signature processes and
potentially overload the network nodes. Quantum
fingerprints could replace such interactive signatures to void
this issue.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME XX, 2020 14
Scalability is always an issue in quantum applications due to
the current scale of quantum computers and networks. In
terms of quantum blockchains, one transaction per block is
clearly deficient. A complex quantum data structure must be
developed before a quantum blockchain can become
comparable to its classical counterpart.
The current consensus protocol is still primitive, lacking
perfect competition/election rules to create blocks. QRNG is
temporarily used as a basic consensus protocol. However,
QRNG cannot guarantee the normal operation of
simultaneous communications in a decentralized network.
Performance issues of quantum blockchains exist in the
information preparation [61, 68], block size [13], and cost-
effectiveness strategies between the used qubit and the
created block [55]. Blockchain size is a challenge for
classical blockchains also due to data explosion.
The classical identity management and this approach require
third-party authorities to verify user attestations and thus are
not actual decentralization but semi-decentralization. The
idea is similar to what a consortium blockchain provides, in
which each member is a group of nodes who believe in the
same authorities [69]. A semi-decentralization could lead to
the dictatorship of resources by a small group of powerful
entities. However, we believe a proper combination of
decentralization and centralization is beneficial since there
are always harmful contents that could inundate the network
without censorship. How an ultimate decentralization can be
achieved in the quantum domain (or in any future form of the
internet) remains future work.
Quantum computers threaten classical blockchainssecurity,
and thus quantum blockchains are needed. This article
theoretically analyzes the quantum blockchain technologies
that could be used for a decentralized purpose. We review the
technical evidence and put together a conceptual design for
decentralized quantum identity, which is named QBIF. We
investigate the essential components and the feasibility,
effectiveness, and limitations of QBIF. We complete the
design of QBIF by integrating existing quantum approaches,
such as quantum PKIs and quantum blockchains. Nonetheless,
the conceptual design still has technical gaps in detailed low-
level specifics. Despite the limitations and challenges, we
believe a decentralized perspective of quantum applications is
noteworthy and likely.
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Zebo Yang received a B.S. degree in computer
engineering from Guangdong University of
Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China, in 2012 and
an M.S. degree in computer engineering from
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2019. He is
pursuing a Ph.D. in computer engineering at
Washington University in St. Louis, MO, USA.
From 2011 to 2017, he worked as a Software
Engineer at Tencent, Inc., Baidu, Inc., and DJI,
Inc. Since 2019, he has been working as a
Graduate Research Assistant at Washington University in St. Louis. His
research interests include blockchains, quantum computing, network, and
system security, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and wireless
Tara Salman is an assistant professor of
computer science at Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, Texas, USA. Previously she was a
Graduate Research Assistant at Washington
University in St. Louis (2015-2021) and a
Research Assistant at Qatar University (2012-
2015). She received her Ph.D. from Washington
University in St. Louis in May 2021 and her B.S.
in computer engineering and M.S. degrees in
computer networking from Qatar University
Doha, Qatar, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. Her research interests span
Blockchains, network security, distributed systems, the Internet of things,
and financial technology. She is an author of 1 book chapter, a patent, and
more than twenty internationally recognized conferences and journals.
Raj Jain (Life Fellow, IEEE) received a B.E. degree in electrical
engineering from APS University, Rewa, India, an M.E. degree in
Automation from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and a Ph. D.
degree in Applied Maths (computer science) from Harvard University,
Cambridge Massachusetts, USA, in 1972, 1974 and 1978 respectively. He
is the Barbara J. and Jerome R. Cox, Jr., Professor with the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Washington
University in St Louis, St Louis, MO, USA. He
was one of the co-founders of Nayna Networks,
Inc., San Jose, CA, USA, a next-generation
telecommunications systems company in San
Jose. He was a Senior Consulting Engineer with
Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, MA,
USA, and then a Computer and Information
Sciences Professor at Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, USA.
Prof. Jain is a recipient of the 2018 James B.
Eads Award from the St. Louis Academy of
Science, the 2017 ACM SIGCOMM Life-Time Achievement Award, and
the 2015 A. A. Michelson Award from the Computer Measurement Group.
He ranks among the Most Cited Authors in Computer Science. He has
authored the Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, which won
the 1991 “Best-Advanced How-to Book, Systems” award from the
Computer Press Association. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, ACM and AAAS.
Roberto Di Pietro (ACM Distinguished
Scientist and IEEE Senior Member) is a Full
Professor in Cybersecurity at HBKU-CSE.
Previously, he was in the capacity of Global
Head Security Research at Nokia Bell Labs and
Associate Professor (with tenure) of Computer
Science at the University of Padova, Italy. He
also served 10+ years as a senior military
technical officer. Overall, he has worked in the
cybersecurity field for 23+ years, leading
technology-oriented and research-focused teams
in the private sector, government, and academia (MoD, United Nations HQ,
His main research interests include security and privacy for wired and
wireless distributed systems (e.g., Blockchain technology, Cloud, IoT,
Online Social Networks), virtualization security, applied cryptography,
computer forensics, and data science. Besides being involved in M&A of
start-upsand having founded one (exited)he has produced 230+
scientific papers and patents over the cited topics, has co-authored three
books, edited one, and contributed to a few others. He is an AE for
ComCom, ComNet, PerCom, Journal of Computer Security, and other Intl.
journals. In 2011-2012 he was awarded a Chair of Excellence from
University Carlos III, Madrid. In 2020 he received the Jean-Claude Laprie
Award for significantly influencing the theory and practice of Dependable
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TQE.2022.3207111
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see